DeWolff vs. Corona
Watch our free streaming concert here:
Our story:
We just released our new album Tascam Tapes, which we were about to promote on a tour through Europe. We don't make a lot of money from album sales; touring is our most important source of income. Most of the money we make we invest in more touring, the recording of new albums, paying our crew and yes, we ourselves also have to earn a little money so we don't have to work at McDonald's on the side.
We embarked on our new tour to promote the Tascam Tapes on March the 8th. After our first show in Prague, Czech, all of the other shows of this tour started being cancelled, one by one. Budapest, Vienna, Graz... We drove to all these places but all to no avail: due to the Corona virus all of these shows got cancelled. Now all of our shows until the 1st of April are cancelled for sure and there's a big chance that our whole tour in April also gets cancelled. If this happens, it will be disastrous for us: we will be broke.
It's only money; we understand there's people in the world that are in situations that are waaaay worse. But it's aways good to help each other out in situations like these. We normally never do this kind of thing, but given the situation we're in, we see no other option than asking for your help.
We've played a live streaming concert on 14th of March that you can watch for free here https://youtu.be/a6KdKc-SYJw . If you like it a whole lot, please consider making a voluntary donation so we can keep on bringing you new music and joy and good times even in these uncertain times!