Despidiendo a Ramón Jaime
Donation protected

After two long, arduous months of fighting for his life after an accident, our lives have changed forever. It is time to accept the decision that Ramón Jaime has taken and now we have to look forward, wishing him a good journey with lots of love and compassion.
In the days leading up to his passing, Sr. Jaime was able to see and feel the love he inspired in the lives of others as his students and many colleagues visited him in the hospital to sing, play his favorite music, and pay their respects. This week, many staff members have described Ramon as incredibly kind, genuine, sincere and a man of integrity. Sr. Jaime had a genuine love and sincere respect for his students, which he honestly believed is the foundation of a great teacher-student relationship. Many students have commented on how impactful Sr. Jaime has been to them as a teacher and an adult figure. For example, one student said, "Sr. Jaime was one of the teachers that I connected with so well because he believed in me when so many other people in my life did not." His students will carry with them this connection for the rest of their lives. Sr. Jaime led an amazing life and contributed deeply and meaningfully to his students, his colleagues, and his family. May he rest in peace.
Unfortunately, love doesn't buy anything, so we need your assistance in order to help pay for the funeral services that will be happening in the next phase of his journey. Sr. Jaime has touched us and moved us to do things in ways which we did not think was possible. Please, if you could demonstrate your assistance (even in the smallest way possible) as well as spreading the word to our community, we would really appreciate it. Thank you so much and we really appreciate it.
Family of Sr. Jaime
Después de dos largos y arduos meses de luchar por su vida tras un accidente, nuestras vidas han cambiado para siempre. Ya llegó la hora de aceptar la decisión que ha tomado Ramón Jaime y seguir en adelante y desearle un muy buen viaje y mucho cariño y compasión.
En los días previos a su fallecimiento, el Sr. Jaime pudo ver y sentir el amor que inspiró en la vida de los demás cuando muchos de sus alumnos y colegas lo visitaron en el hospital para cantar, tocar su música favorita y expresar su respeto hacia él. Esta semana, muchos miembros del personal escolar describieron a Ramón como increíblemente amable, genuino, sincero e íntegro. El Sr. Jaime sentía un legítimo amor y tenía un sincero respeto por sus alumnos, lo que honestamente él creía que era la base para tener una exitosa relación maestro-alumno. Muchos estudiantes han comentado cómo “El Sr. Jaime fue uno de los maestros con los que me pude conectar porque él creyó en mí cuando muchas otras personas en mi vida no lo hicieron". Sus alumnos llevarán esta conexión con ellos por el resto de sus vidas. El Señor Jaime tuvo una hermosa vida, la cual contribuyó profunda y significativamente en la vida de sus alumnos, sus colegas y su familia. Que descanse en paz.
Desgraciadamente para este mundo el amor no compra nada, necesitamos su ayuda para poder pagar todos los servicios funerarios que van a llevarse acabo dentro de la siguiente etapa de este camino. Sr. Jaime nos tocó el corazón a todos y nos conmovió a hacer cosas que no creíamos posibles. Por favor, si se pudiese demostrar su apoyo a través de una pequeña ayuda o esparciendo la noticia con todos sus conocidos. Muchas gracias, se lo agradecemos muchísimo.
Familia de Sr. Jaime
Organizer and beneficiary
Yolitzin Jaime
Chula Vista, CA
Rosalba Jaime