Defend Free Speech, Repeal 5-68-204
Donation protected
Please help restore First Amendment rights in Arkansas. For over 60 years, it has been illegal to "advocate" a form of recreation known as nudism. In Arkansas, you can be fined $2,500 and spend a year in jail just for expressing a favorable opinion about nudism. And this law doesn't just apply when you're in public; it also specifically targets private property. Regardless of whether you like, dislike, or simply don't care about nudism, please recognize this law for what it is... a threat to the Freedom of Speech that is the hallmark and bedrock of a free society.
For full details on this blatantly unconstitutional law, please visit UnconstitutionalArkansas.org.
Donations will be used to raise awareness, conduct government outreach (i.e. convince elected representatives to actually uphold their oaths to the Constitition), and pay legal fees (if it comes to that).
Thank you!
For full details on this blatantly unconstitutional law, please visit UnconstitutionalArkansas.org.
Donations will be used to raise awareness, conduct government outreach (i.e. convince elected representatives to actually uphold their oaths to the Constitition), and pay legal fees (if it comes to that).
Thank you!
Unconstitutional Arkansas
Little Rock, AR