Deegan Bee’s injuries
Donation protected
On June 5th, Deegan Bee, my brother, got in a severe car accident coming home from a golf course, right now he is in critical condition and we don't know if he is going to survive, both of his legs are broken and he has severe internal bleeding, Deegans life has been full of ups and downs, when he was younger me and him used to race motorcross and we were both some of the best in the state, one day he got in a motorcross accident and had to be life flighted to the hospital, he went under on the way but though time he was able to recover, he was told by the doctor he couldn't play any contact sports for the rest of his life so he picked up golf, Deegan was exceptionally good at golf from the time when he played locally to when he played on a national level, he made his name known and he knew what he was doing, he recently picked up a caddying job at brookside country club to pick up his spare time and make a little money while he was at it, on his way home on June 5th he veered over into an oncoming lane and got in a head on collision, both of his legs are broken and we don't know if he will survive, any bit of donation will help, please please please share this to help our family out, to help deegan out if he survives
Gaven Bee
Fredericksburg, OH