Deb & Don’s Journey
Debbie was diagnosed with cancer early this year, they found cancer in her lung and lymph nodes. Immediately mom began chemotherapy and radiation 5 days a week.
Mom and dad have been off work since February 2020 for mom to undergo radiation, chemotherapy, and eventually, surgery to remove the affected areas in her chest.
Mom was deemed inoperable once in surgery.
Follow up scans showed no visible sign of cancer.
Mom’s healing process over the last two months has been less than comfortable, experiencing excruciating pain, and eventually near-paralysis in her legs and feet. Despite her struggles, she keeps us strong as a family.
A follow-up scan on July 9th showed signs of cancer spreading to her T8 & T9 causing compression on her spine. In order to hopefully prevent permanent paralysis in her legs and feet, her surgeon operated on July 15th to remove the compression on her spine.
To our amazement mom is already having success in teaching her legs and feet how to function again. Full function is not yet confirmed but if anyone can do it, mom can!
Mom is still admitted as she works with her physiotherapy team.
Mom will continue radiation and then chemotherapy starting next week.
Mom and dad have been doing well, they have strong spirits and power through every obstacle set before them giving glory to God in every situation.
We know mom and dad are very loved. Amanda and I thought our amazing community of friends and family may like the opportunity to help mom and dad financially. The money would help with living expenses, gas, groceries, convenience foods or whatever should come their way as they travel over an hour each way for treatment.
We thank everyone for your ongoing support, prayer, love, and well wishes as our family goes through this journey.