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Detroit Dog Rescue Medical

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Detroit Dog Rescue is Detroit's FIRST and ONLY No-KILL shelter within the city. We are a small group of people making a big difference.

In the last few days we have taken in an overwhelming amount of dogs. Most have been abused, one is suffering from cancer,  all of them have internal parasites, and a few have deadly heartworm, which can cost thousands of dollars to threat. 

Just basic medical treatment cost hundreds of dollars, not to mention each dog is spayed and nuetered and treated for any other ailments. Our veterinarian costs are mounting to overwhelming rates and it's so important that we are able to help these dogs that cannot help themselves.

Please, if you can, donate to our medical fund today. So we can help care for these dogs that deserve a second

Thank you,
The Detroit Dog Rescue Crew


  • Andrew Lauterbach
    • $5
    • 7 yrs


Kristina Millman-Rinaldi
Detroit, MI

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