Dawn till Dusk Fundraiser
Donation protected
- I had conducted a fundraiser last year - where I had ridden my downhill bike on every shuttle - able mountain from Mount Seymour to Pemberton, along the sea to sky, from sunrise to sunset. I had friends join, and film updates and videos throughout the day.
- This year, I plan on doing the same thing, except promoting it more on social media, we have gotten a more dedicated film/ promotion crew, and we are adding a product basket - including little things from local businesses - that will be for raffle after the event is finished.
- I am doing this to raise awareness and money for the newly established Squamish Foundry.
- “Foundry Sea to Sky will offer young people 12-24 access to mental health and substance use support, primary care, peer support and social services”
- The grand opening for the foundry will be on March 31st, 2023.
- Alongside this, I will be taking a minor portion of the fundraised money, and putting it towards my race season, and travels…
- I will split 60% to the Foundry, and 40% to my travel fund.
- 1.2 million children are affected by mental illness in Canada, and only less than 20% of that number will receive appropriate treatment and help.
- I could go on about stats on these stats in Canada, but my main goal here is to raise awareness for these causes.
- https://ymhc.ngo/resources/ymh-stats/
- In the day and age we live in Mental health issues are becoming such a huge deal - with social media, and the simple pressures of this world we live in today.
- This is something that people need to talk about. And this stigma, that comes with getting help and using resources - needs to be dealt with.
- The more we talk about it and share, the more youth and adults will feel comfortable reaching out and seeking the help they need.
- The foundry is a place where youth can go and use these services to better themselves and receive help.
- To enter the raffle giveaway basket, a minimum donation of $25 will be needed. Any name/ donation over $25 will be entered into the raffle - unless asked otherwise. This basket will include goods from local businesses and companies from the sea to sky.
Coen Skrypnek
Squamish, BC