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Davids Life-Saving Cancer Treatment

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Hello friends, relatives and those of you whom I haven't had the chance to meet .  My name is David.  Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer, which has metastasized to my liver and lungs.  I have been receiving chemotherapy for treatment and making progress, but I am unable to work and essentially unable to leave my bed except for treatment appointments.  I have been very, very ill and have lost 75 pounds.

Recently I lost my low cost insurance due to a clerical error and confusion between two government agencies.  This  caused my insurance premium to go up over 600.00 per month and also has reset my yearly deductible and raised it to over 12000.00 per year.  Now, I am having problems with household expenses, rent and affording housing while trying to keep my treatment going.  It has become difficult to afford food and essentials.  I have tried to get assistance from local charities and was only able to find a food bank that I can go to once a month for a small amount of food.  Other charities are very limited in my area.  

With this new insurance situation and the huge increase in my deductible and insurance premiums, by the end of the month I will have to stop my chemotherapy because I will not be able to afford to make the payments to my doctor anymore.  So even though it is embarrassing, I need to ask for your help in order to continue my life-saving chemotherapy.   Without the resources and medical help, my death will likely quicken further, but I hope with your help, I will have a chance to fight on.    If you can help by making a donation, large or small, I would greatly appreciate your kindness.


    • 100 $ 
    • 7 años


David Bogle
Winter Garden, FL

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