David O’ Mahony
When the awful phone call came to let us know that my beautiful son, David had tragically passed away in Indonesia, as you can imagine, I didn't know where to turn.
Beyond all the other questions running through mine and my families heads, at the forefront was "how on earth do we bring him back home?" After fruitless calls to embassy's and the department of foreign affairs on that dreaded Saturday morning we, as a family, were made aware of the Kevin Bell trust. From the moment we contacted them, they took over for us and saved us so much trauma and grief and we will be forever grateful to them for that. As a thank you to the foundation we want to raise money so that we can help the next family who have to receive that awful phone call and go through the same painful journey we are going through. David is so loved and will be forever missed by his family and friends.
Thank you in advance for your help and contribution and thank you again to the wonderful people at the Kevin Bell Trust.
Kindest regards,
Grainne and all of the heartbroken O'Mahony Family.
Orla Brennan
County Waterford
Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust