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David Mutabazi funeral arrangements

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David Mutabazi tragically drowned in Steamboat Lake, Colorado on July 10th, 2018.  David was a Colorado Parks and Wildlife employee at Steamboat Lake and a recent graduate of Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  He was just beginning his career as a conservation professional and natural resource manager. 

David was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and was raised by his Uncle.  David was a lawful permanent resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and acted as a translator for the Congolese community and his church.  His mother is currently a refugee in Kenya.  

David's family does not have much money to make these unexpected arrangements.  His and his families' religious beliefs do not allow for cremation, so his relatives are trying to find ways to raise the money to have him transported from Steamboat Springs, CO for the funeral and final arrangements in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Additionally, the family is working to get his mother travel arrangements from Kenya to be able to attend his funeral.  

Those who knew David knew him to be a kind and positive person.  He was excited to explore and learn.  David's strong faith and desire to help others made a positive impact on many in his life.  While he was with us at Steamboat Lake only since May, he quickly became a part of the CPW family.  We know that he had many "families" anywhere he was.  We hope that his friends and family can come together to support him, his uncle and mother in this time of need.  All funds will be transferred to David's Uncle, Christian Serugo.  Because Christian speaks little English, does not have email or a cell phone, deposits will initially go into my bank account.  I will then transfer the funds to Christian.  All funds raised in this campaign will be sent to Christian.  Christian is making arrangements for David and will use the funds to pay for transportation for David and his funeral expenses.
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    • 25 $ 
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Équipe de collecte de fonds : Julie Arington (2)

Julie Arington
Colorado, CO
Kirsten Leah
Team member

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