Funeral and Legal Fees for Daniel Terry Williams
Donation protected
Our name is Elite Drain and Septic. We are creating this go-fund me to help out our employee, Terry Williams. Tammy and Terry Williams are having to make a decision to take their 22 year old son off life support on Sunday 11/05/2023. This is a decision no parent should have to make. Daniel was beaten , tortured and sexually assaulted at Staton Prison by a gang of people with only 14 days until his release. He was pronounced brain dead on arrival to the hospital. We are helping Terry and his family with funeral and legal expenses. They have taken him off life support and will keep him comfortable until he passes. On Thursday, November 9th, Daniel gained his angel wings. They were not prepared for this sudden tragedy. Any donations and prayers will be greatly appreciated. The donations from this go fund me, will be paying for all Daniel's funeral expenses, as well as attorney/legal fees, the family will encounter. Please keep the family in your prayers.
11/9/2023 - After being moved to Kilby infirmary, Daniel has gained his angel wings this morning.
11/9/2023 update: Daniel was moved out of the hospital last night, and now is at Kilby infirmary
11/7/2023 Update: Daniel is in his own room on Palliative Care and will keep him comfortable until he passes
11/5/2023 4 pm - update per Daniel's dad Terry
"The tube is out. Still brain dead and won't come back from that. They going to move him to a room where he will be comfortable for his time left with us. Ill keep everyone updated as we know and thanks to all for all the prayers"

Bethany Ellis
Pinson, AL