Dale & Brenda car accident
Hi everyone,
My grandparents were in a horrible accident 10/16 that required jaws of life to remove Brenda. She is still in ICU fighting to get stronger. She’s been through 5 surgeries on top of 10 broken ribs and she has one last procedure left. We’re praying she’ll be on the road to recovery and be able to get to come home soon.
Dale was released from the hospital 10/31. Hehad two collapsed lungs and 5 broken ribs. He’s needing 24/7 care and still has a long way to go.
Insurance hasn’t been the best with getting them the stuff they need. Us as a family have been paying everything out of pocket and it’s getting to be a little too much since we’ve all also missed a lot of work in between.
We’re buying an electric chair to help Dale be able to eventually stand on his own. We’re needing two hospital beds for when Brenda gets out as well so they can both sleep comfortably and it’ll be a little easier on us helping them up and down.
We are so beyond thankful for any donations. We appreciate each and everyone of of you.