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Dahlberg Adoption

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Our daughter and her family are in the expensive process of adopting an adorable little seven year old girl from China. They are all very excited to welcome this little girl in to their lives. They want to share their love with this child and make an important impact on Liyah's  life.

Mark and Julie have been pre-approved in China for this adoption. Paperwork process has started. The adoption is very expensive and they could certainly use help with this. They will need to fly to China to get Liyah which in itself is expensive. There are many other fees involved. We all appreciate any financial help that you can give to make this adoption a reality for Mark, Julie, Luke and Beth.
Luke is 16 and Beth is 14 and they are as eager to add this new little family member as Julie and Mark are.

The photo that I have added to this GOFUNDME page is from Mother's Day this year and I am in the far right on this photo. I am looking forward to having a new grandchild to love and encourage.
Luke and Beth are anxious to share their love of the farm, horses and chickens with this precious little girl.
This family has a lot of love to give to Liyah, who came in to this world in less than ideal conditions and has spent her first seven years in an orphanage.
Thank you so much for considering supporting Mark and Julie in their endeavor to share God's love. We are praying that everything goes smoothly for this adoption process.  Hopefully we will soon have a new member in our family. Christmas will be really special this year.
For some reason I can not get just my photo on our Face Book page. It is a photo of Larry that will be seen for this Gofundme page


  • Donna and Chet Thomas
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Larry Liz Petersen
Frederic, WI
Julie Dahlberg

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