#CookinSpice - will CHANGE your LIFE!
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Do you like EGGS?, Chicken, Steak, Pork, Fish or Vegetables? The only thing you need is Daddy's COOKIN' SPICE! - A bit of smoke, just enough heat & SO full of flavor! #Cookin'Spice is the formula for AWESOMENESS! MAKE THIS SPICE & IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Daddy's Cookin' Spice, Your NEW Swiss Army Knife... of cooking!!!
TAKE A PICTURE or Screenshot To EASILY make a small batch :
1 CUP of sea salt (or regular salt)
1/4 CUP of ground black pepper
1/4 CUP of granulated garlic powder
1/4 CUP of granulated onion powder
1/4 CUP of smoked sweet paprika - you can use regular sweet paprika
1/4 CUP of hot SMOKED Spanish Paprika - the smokier the better!
1/8 CUP of cayenne pepper
1/4 CUP of regular old mild chili powder
1 tablespoon of dried oregano, crushed*
Mix ALL of the ingredients in an airtight container, that's IT! I use an old, larger bulk spice container; individual ingredients can be adjusted to suit your needs & tastes but try it this way first... When you mix this, you are shooting for some heat left over and NOT TOO salty.... don’t be afraid to taste it - the spice should taste good all by itself!.. Daddy's Cookin' Spice is seriously delicious!..
* Tip: when crushing herbs, put the amount in the palm of your hand and rub the palms of your hands together until the herb is powdery.
*Pro usage tip - to control the heat: more heat = more spice... less heat = less spice
Even if you don't know how to cook, with Daddy's Cookin Spice, you'll know how to cook NOW! You WILL find yourself using it on just about everything!
Directions for use: Sprinkle it on something!... Like eggs, chicken or steak!
Try this over easy egg idea: In a medium hot, buttered pan, start your over easy egg how you like to cook it, after you flip it, quickly sprinkle with Daddy's Cookin Spice, a drop of your favorite hot sauce on the yolk, (if desired) cover with a little bit of cheese, add a tablespoon of water to the pan, then cover tightly & remove from heat... Wait 10 seconds after sizzle stops and you are in YOLK HEAVEN!
Here is some backstory:
I'm Scott Tienken & I've ALWAYS loved to cook! I started cooking when I was a young child... there's a cute story about me, I was 6 and I wasn't supposed to be touching the stove and mom caught me!.. I got the wooden spoon, lol here: http://www.daddysbreakfastbible.com/
My fiance' had the opportunity to get land from her family member & then we built a log cabin... from scratch, from the standing trees.. while I was working as a construction mechanic & going to college... We cut the logs down, rented a sawmill and processed trees into the wood for our home... a regular ol' American Dream!
So, while building on site, we camped & I cooked... I experimented with cooking & breakfast recipes. (breakfast was always my favorite meal of the day) I started a cookbook: Daddy's Breakfast Bible... in the book was my spice that made AWESOME home fries!... But then one day, we discovered it was even better on EGGS!... AND on chicken AND Vegetables, Steak, Pork, Fish or ANY thing else we put it on!...
My kindergarten daughter said she would even eat it if it was on a shoe!... lol
Daddy's Cookin' Spice is so good, I HAVE to share it with ALL of you!.. So even if someone can't afford my book,
#CookinSpice is RIGHT HERE for EVERYONE to enjoy!
I have always loved to help people in all walks of my life; I've given most of my Daddy's Cookin' Spice away to those who need it and I hope this helps YOU to make it yourself! I'm not here to sell my Daddy's Cookin' Spice, nor to get you to buy my cookbook, (you can if you want) but if you can afford to, help me out please, I could use it...
Health problems are forcing me to retire, to eliminate stress in my life... I've always wanted to travel and to share Daddy's Cookin' Spice AND delicious food with everyone I meet... Hopefully one day I can share it with YOU!
So if you love Daddy's Cookin' Spice, share BACK that love & throw me a buck, a coffee, a beer, a meal... tips are always awesome! If you could help me out in any way, we would truly appreciate it!
Thank you & God bless!
P.S. You are going to LOVE using Daddy's Cookin' Spice and you are welcome!
Scott Cookin Spice Tienken
Monson, MA