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Team Tom

Donativo protegido
Hello all!

Our friend Tom shines the brightest light on everyone he meets. His kindness is so sincere and his laughter is contagious. Recently, and very unexpectedly, he had surgery to remove a brain tumor. Unfortunately, the tumor was cancerous and he will need months of treatments. As you can imagine, this is a very emotionally and physically draining time for Tom and his family. I am reaching out to all of you so that we can help cover sone of the medical costs that go along with the treatments he will need. Hopefully, with our help, he can focus on getting well. If you could support my Gofundme  by making a donation and then sharing this on your networks, Team Tom would greatly appreciate it.


  • Maria Laura King
    • $25 
    • 4 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Michelle Sandford-Boyle
Jamesburg, NJ
Thomas Mullarney

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