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Gracie is a beautiful baby Golden who my dog, Carly, gave birth to in November. She was born with a heart murmur which is actually fairly common in large breed fast growing puppies. Most of these murmurs disappear as the puppy gets older. Gracies murmur has shown no signs of improvement and at 9 weeks of age she began having neurological symptoms as well. She had stunted growth, abnormal behavior, circling, pacing, pressing her head against walls, disorientation, periods of staring with what appeared to be blindness, vomiting and Grand Mal Seizures. I had no idea that all this was happening with her until I sent a random text to her family to check on her. We took her back and we were heartbroken with the condition she was in. She had bloodwork and Xrays and it appears she has a liver shunt. We have started her on a RX diet and medications and her response has been remarkable. After speaking to our vet and after tons of research we have learned that only about 1/3 of dogs respond to medications and diet. Most of those dogs are older when diagnosed and their symptoms are not as severe. Even though she is responding well right now, her long term prognosis on meds and diet are not good. Her best chance for survival is surgery. Before we can even begin to think about that surgery, we need to find out what is going on with her heart and if she would even survive the surgery. So our first step, in what will probably be a very involved process, is for her to be seen by a cardiologist and have a complete cardiac workup. We want to give this sweet girl a fighting chance and are willing to try to help her in any way that we can. We currently have 10 dogs..... 5 of those dogs are Rescues. We have Fostered many dogs and taken in strays, and we have never asked for any financial help. There is no way we can financially help Gracie on our own. We have already spent almost $700 on her in less than a week. She is on several medications and her RX food will cost at least $200/month. As she grows and gets older that cost will increase as she will be eating more. My husband and I built a home in the country, specifically with our dogs in mind. They can run freely, swim in our pond, chase cows, lay in the sun and have the life that every dog deserves. Many people who know us always say they want to come back as a GADDIS Golden in their next lifetime. There is nothing that we wouldn’t do for our dogs. We desperately need your help to allow Gracie that same chance at life. Any amount that you can donate will be greatly appreciated from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Kim Gaddis
Sunbright, TN