Help an Education Film of Arctic Travel by Dogs.
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Are we losing our traditions, old way of life, and connection with nature? Have phones and computer screens replaced views of mountains looming in the blue? Has the sound of television and radio blaring 24/7 taken away the sound of snow crunching under our snowshoes? Has our fast-paced desire to win at all cost society taken away the magic of our malamutes’ paws breaking trail in rhythm with our beating hearts?
Hi, I'm Joe G Henderson, 62, a 40-year veteran Arctic and polar explorer and author.
In February, my dog team of 22 Alaskan malamutes and I are heading out on a ten-week, solo, unsupported Arctic expedition.
The expedition aims to film nature and the Arctic wilderness to create educational content. The hope is that this content will inspire future generations to explore nature and learn about traditional modes of transportation, specifically dog teams. But it doesn’t have to be dog teams. Hiking, camping, canoeing, or cycling can help future generations engage with nature. But I believe the impact of a real-time, unrehearsed, behind-the-scenes of one living in the Arctic wilderness will be captivating and inspiring to many.
Due to the damaging physical and psychological effects of excessive phone usage on children, providing alternative ways to engage with nature is crucial.
Even though my dog team and I have been traveling in Arctic Alaska and exploring remote regions for 40 years, I have yet to document the expeditions by film. It will be a real positive “eye-opener” for many unfamiliar with the Arctic wilderness and the traditional means of Arctic travel and training sled dogs.
I have found that since racing sled dogs took root in our Alaskan culture, the traditional way of training and traveling is quickly disappearing. We must keep our foundation and the purpose of sled dogs alive for others who want to pursue this lifestyle.
This year will be the third part of the four-part expedition series. I plan on publishing several books and capturing films about the Arctic's environment and wildlife from a hands-on point of view and about Alaskan malamutes, Alaska’s original sled dogs.
I plan to promote additional knowledge and understanding about this ancient dog breed. In the last three years, archeological sites in Siberia and Alaska have uncovered evidence of ancient dogs that are around 9,500 years old. These ancient dogs are the ancestors of the Alaskan malamute dog breed. Additionally, the expeditions will “close the loop” or take the Alaskan malamute home where they originated.
All books will be full-color photographs of extremely remote landscapes that haven’t ever been captured on film in winter. The only means of communication are a satellite phone and an InReach satellite texting device. However, we will be providing daily audio updates that will be posted on our Subscriber Facebook page.
And I will not receive a resupply. Everything is hauled on the dogsleds except me; I will ski or snowshoe for the entire expedition.
I thank everyone who generously and graciously contributed and supported the expeditions. I can't express in words how much your support means to me. I hope my journeys inspire others as much as I have been inspired.
Overall, my expenses are enormous. Regardless of the amount, I would greatly appreciate any donation; your contributions will serve the expedition with high-quality dog food for two and a half months. A total of 2,800 lbs. of dog food will cost $5,600, satellite phone minutes for providing updates will cost approximately $1.70 a minute and usually average $300 per week, and our satellite costs for the audio updates will be an additional $2,800.00, but it will be well worth it! Logistics and gear will cost $6,500. These are only a few simple yet necessary items to help launch the expedition and make it a success!
Please join us. To all contributing members, you will receive a signed foam core print of the 2024 Alaskan malamute team, ready to hang. Additionally, those who contribute $100 or more will receive all books published at the end of the expeditions series.
Suppose you are a business or gear manufacturer and donate $250 or more. In that case, I will promote your business and product in magazine articles, public speaking engagements, and upcoming books about the expedition. Overall, you will be satisfied knowing you have helped with this historic and worthy cause. God Bless!
I appreciate your support!
Updates during the expedition will be posted here. Just click the Subscribe button on the page:
Joe Henderson
Salcha, AK