Create A Non-Profit Tasked with Reducing Traffic
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Mitch, and I am trying to raise funds to start a non-profit dedicated to reducing traffic. I have ideas for rural and urban drivers, but my initial focus will be on rush hour traffic in major cities. I want to design simple magnets that can be distributed to downtown businesses as a first step to coordinating traffic. One magnet will have the name of the parking area the vehicle goes to in the morning, and another magnet will have the name of the route that vehicle takes home during evening rush hour. The magnets will be placed on the rear of the vehicle. If drivers can pinpoint where a vehicle is going, they will be more likely to allow vehicles to merge into the proper lanes. Informing drivers will help traffic become more organized and streamlined. After making connections with downtown businesses, the next step will be to break down how much traffic each route into downtown can handle and working with businesses to coordinate with their employees on traffic flow. We will partner with these downtown businesses to assign employees into three groups. Group A will try to arrive at work by 8am, Group B by 8:30am, and Group C by 9am. Each group will be given a coordinating magnet so that drivers can flow into traffic according to their group. By forming an organization, I believe we can lobby for larger changes to traffic law that could benefit rural drivers. One example I have is to require all commercial vehicles to remain in the right lane on interstate highways between the times of 7am and 7pm. This would effectively push most commercial traffic to the less busy nighttime hours and open up traffic for urban and rural commuters alike. Your funds will go toward forming the non-profit, creating a website to coordinate with businesses, designing and purchasing the magnets in bulk for distribution, and any other administrative costs for launching this program. Thank you for your donation!
Mitch Miller
Pittsburgh, PA