CraftNOW Create: Summer Camp Edition!
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CraftNOW Create: Summer Camp Edition!
CraftNOW collaborates with Philadelphia’s Department of Parks and Recreation (PPR) to bring hands-on craft activities to 120 recreation centers throughout Philadelphia each summer. In 2022, we delivered nearly 15,000 hours of free craft instruction and reached nearly 5,000 students between the ages of 6 and 12. We collaborate with the Philadelphia Museum of Art in providing 5,000 take-home backpacks with art supplies and free passes to the museum for each student and up to five of their family members. This program also has expanded to fill the gap between the end of school and PPR's general summer camp program with an immersive week-long craft camp filled with activities and gallery tours provided at no cost to registrants.
We believe art education and CraftNOW Create are vital to the public health of our city and its youth. Through hands-on craft activities and field trips, students develop lasting relationships with creative institutions, discover art resources available to them year-round, and are kept safely engaged and learning in the summer months.
Your donation will help provide:
$150 - One bus trip
$650 - One complete site visit
$1,500 - One day of craft camp
$3,500 - One entire Gap Week (10 sessions, gallery tours, honoraria, and art supplies)
$5,000 - Fills all backpacks with additional art supplies
Help us reach our fundraising goals for 2023 so that we can continue to provide this important educational program!!
Who is CraftNOW?
CraftNOW is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit arts organization launched in 2015 by a consortium of individuals, galleries, museums, universities, and civic organizations. CraftNOW seeks to capitalize upon Philadelphia’s outstanding craft resources and highlight the city’s continuing role in defining the future of craft.
To further its commitment to makers and craftspeople, CraftNOW has implemented several initiatives aimed at strengthening Philadelphia’s craft community and economic impact. Under CraftECON, these programs include directories of museums and gallerists, a regional artisan database, artisan workshops focused on business skills, resource mapping of service providers, and connecting makers with developers and architects.
Additionally, CraftNOW celebrates and showcases Philadelphia’s contemporary craft scene throughout CraftMONTH, a series of events in November alongside the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show. CraftNOW is positioned to remain an impactful resource to the city’s craft scene while promoting it nationally and internationally for years to come.
To learn more, visit our website.
Leila Cartier
Philadelphia, PA
Craftnow Philadelphia