Covid_19 Memorial Blanket Project
Donation protected
What is the Covid_19 Memorial Blanket Project?
The project begins with a large art installation blanket. One 12 inch square hand knitter by a variety of volunteers, for each soul lost due to Covid_19 in Canada. The blanket, to date will be almost 9000 square feet, and weigh approximately 1500 pounds.
We will also be creating individual sized blankets for a variety of agencies, for example, homeless shelters, women's shelters, foster children agencies, long term care facilities, indigenous communities. We encourage families who have lost someone to Covid_19, if they have an agency they would like a blanket sent to, to please let us know, and we will ensure that wish is fulfilled.
We are calling all knitters across the country to pick up their needles. Together we can create a memorial that can travel throughout the country, and bring comfort to those who’ve lost loved one, and to honour the memories of the souls who are now no longer with us.
The names of those we’ve lost will be attached to each square, with the family’s consent, and also published in a memorial book that will travel with the blanket.
Our goal is to be able to display the blanket for the first time in January 2021, the first anniversary of the first presumptive case in Canada. We need to work quickly.
We hope you will consider joining us.
The hope is that no one who has been lost during this pandemic is forgotten.
The names of those who have been lost will be loving stitched onto each square. We will continue to add squares to this blanket until the need is no longer there.
Knitters and crafters, by tradition, often take to their craft in a way to help others. To bring comfort to those who may need it. To soothe their own spirits when the world gets overwhelming and scary. Heather, Ally, and Amanda are knitters. Each working in a local yarn shop, decided to do just that.
We are raising funds to assist with the various costs that are involved in this large project.
The costs include:
Transportation/Shipping of the blanket to various locations, all provinces and territories
Construction of display and shipping container
Production of the Memorial Book
Rental fees for assembly nights (we need to rent a large space for 4-5 days)
Shipping costs to send individual blankets to various agencies throughout the country
Production of name placemarkers for each square (approx $2.50 each)
Your name will be included in the memorial book as a supporter of the project.
Thank you for taking step to launch this project.
With much love and gratitude
The Organizers of the Covid_19 Memorial Blanket
Heather Breadner, Allison Day, and Amanda Sharpe
Please visit the official website for all news and updates. http://covid19memorialblanket.ca/
The project begins with a large art installation blanket. One 12 inch square hand knitter by a variety of volunteers, for each soul lost due to Covid_19 in Canada. The blanket, to date will be almost 9000 square feet, and weigh approximately 1500 pounds.
We will also be creating individual sized blankets for a variety of agencies, for example, homeless shelters, women's shelters, foster children agencies, long term care facilities, indigenous communities. We encourage families who have lost someone to Covid_19, if they have an agency they would like a blanket sent to, to please let us know, and we will ensure that wish is fulfilled.
We are calling all knitters across the country to pick up their needles. Together we can create a memorial that can travel throughout the country, and bring comfort to those who’ve lost loved one, and to honour the memories of the souls who are now no longer with us.
The names of those we’ve lost will be attached to each square, with the family’s consent, and also published in a memorial book that will travel with the blanket.
Our goal is to be able to display the blanket for the first time in January 2021, the first anniversary of the first presumptive case in Canada. We need to work quickly.
We hope you will consider joining us.
The hope is that no one who has been lost during this pandemic is forgotten.
The names of those who have been lost will be loving stitched onto each square. We will continue to add squares to this blanket until the need is no longer there.
Knitters and crafters, by tradition, often take to their craft in a way to help others. To bring comfort to those who may need it. To soothe their own spirits when the world gets overwhelming and scary. Heather, Ally, and Amanda are knitters. Each working in a local yarn shop, decided to do just that.
We are raising funds to assist with the various costs that are involved in this large project.
The costs include:
Transportation/Shipping of the blanket to various locations, all provinces and territories
Construction of display and shipping container
Production of the Memorial Book
Rental fees for assembly nights (we need to rent a large space for 4-5 days)
Shipping costs to send individual blankets to various agencies throughout the country
Production of name placemarkers for each square (approx $2.50 each)
Your name will be included in the memorial book as a supporter of the project.
Thank you for taking step to launch this project.
With much love and gratitude
The Organizers of the Covid_19 Memorial Blanket
Heather Breadner, Allison Day, and Amanda Sharpe
Please visit the official website for all news and updates. http://covid19memorialblanket.ca/
Heather Coady
Fenelon Falls, ON