Easing the suffering of the people of Ukraine
This fundraiser is now closed - but we're not nearly finished! If you would like to help us to deliver more ambulances and other critically important aid to Ukraine please do so at our latest fundraising page here:
Thank you!
Aliya Aralbayeva, Gerry and Sally Strahan and Daniel Whitehead have been working hard with the help of so many people to address the urgent needs of people in Ukraine.
With your support our group has so far delivered 22 ambulances and a vast amount of aid to Ukraine. We are committed to continuing to stand with the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes.
We are now fundraising:
- to deliver yet more aid-filled ambulances that will be delivered as soon as possible to those communities that are most in need in places such as Mykolaiv and Sumy that are subject to frequent Russian bombardment
- to deliver generators, medical equipment, clothing, support and more to relieve the suffering of civilians in Ukraine
- to deliver vehicles (including cranes) and other equipment that the civil protection teams in Ukraine desperately need to reach civilians who are trapped or wounded as a result of Russian aggression
With your help we can make all of this happen - and more.
Thank you so much for your support which makes a very real difference to the lives of people who so desperately need it right now. The photograph below is from our most recent convoy, our volunteer drivers handing over four ambulances near Kyiv which have sense been deployed to support the communities of Sumy and Mykolaiv whose hospitals and medical infrastructure has suffered so much at the hands of the Russian military.
Fundraising team (3)
Daniel Whitehead
Harrop HR Missions Ltd
Saskia De Rossi
Team member
Sally Strahan-Concert
Team member