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Needy member of our community

Spende geschützt
My young friend Keisha Stevens and her two young children are in desperate need of a home of their own.  Her current situation is not working out for either her or the person who has been trying to help.  She qualifies for housing assistance; however, before she can move into housing she needs to pay an $800 power bill that her mother ran up in her name and refuses to pay so Keisha has that hanging over her head.  Can't believe that someone would do that to their own child. 

Besides housing she needs transportation so that she can get a job.  There have been jobs that she could get but she has to have transportation to get to and from.  She can get reliable transportation for approximately $1,000 plus insurance.  So, we are looking at approximately $2,000 to get her into her own place and some reliable transportation so that she can get a job.  I have set the goal at $3,500  and if we can raise that much, it will give her a cushion to cover other move in expenses and after that I think with donated furniture, we can get her well on her way to self-sufficency.

After my recent back surgery, a friend started a gofundme campaign to help me out with a few things that I wasn't able to cover because of not being able to work and I found out that I have some really great friends.  Let's see if we can't get this young lady in a position to be able to take care of herself and her two young children (4 yrs and 1 yr).  This is my way of paying it forward.


  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sky Pilot
Boise, ID
Keisha Stevens

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