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Coach Steve Burrough 2018 Expenses

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Dear friends & family-

We ask for continued prayers as Coach Steve Burrough is about to leave for another Mayo Clinic trip to Rochester, MN.  He continues in his battle with his diseases.  He is still in ongoing treatments for his illnesses and we appreciate continued prayers and any assistance in contributions to GoFundMe to help him with costs  for the Mayo Clinic trips, expenses, travel expenses, and bills. 

Some of you have asked for an update on Coach Steve Burrough.  As he nor his wife post much about his illness, we will try to update you here. Steve has never been one to complain or to moan about his illness or situation.  If you ask Coach Burrough how he is doing, he will almost always say he is okay and forging on, even from the beginning of his illness when he had no answers!  He has been an awesome role model and a great example of using something scary, negative, and life challenging, and trying to teach others to keep moving forward in the face of a threatening situation!  In fact,  this year, 2018,  Alabama coaches voted and  awarded him the Medal of Courage and he was  inducted  into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame for his tenacity and great courage in continuing to teach and coach throughout his illness. 


In the beginning of his illness, he and his family didn’t share much about him being sick or the difficulties they faced. They incurred a mountain of medical bills in search of the correct diagnosis and proper treatment.  When they finally got the recommendation to go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, Steve was very ill.   During that year, they went to the Mayo Clinic four times.  The next year, he had to go three more times, but thankfully, those annual trips have become fewer.  However, Steve has not been cured nor is he in remission as of yet, so he cannot stop seeking treatment provided at Mayo.  Last year, the doctors told him it would take at least two years of treatment for Steve’s diseases to go into remission, IF the treatments were effective and IF they had the right diagnoses.  During the past year, Coach Burrough’s treatments have been changed three times.  At the beginning of a treatment regimen, Steve starts to feel better, be less sick, and begins to gain weight. However, after several months on a treatment, he becomes ill again with increased issues and symptoms.  The treatment regimen over the past 6 months has proven to be the best to date.  He has been able to gain some of the 50 pounds he lost. 


For those of you who are not familiar with Steve’s situation, Coach Burrough was diagnosed a few years ago with a noncontagious Tuberculosis for which he was treated for over a year.  But treatment for the TB did not cure the nausea, vomiting, fatigue, chronic coughing, severe weight loss, and vocal cord paralysis.  Although he continued to lose weight as his health declined, doctors could not treat him without a diagnosis.  At that time, the local doctors felt he must have several different conditions but were unable to properly identify them.  With help from one of his doctors, the Burroughs were referred to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  The wonderful and caring doctors there actually met with numerous doctors and called many others around the United States to discuss Coach Burrough’s illnesses in hopes of finding answers for him. 


Finally, the Mayo Clinic doctors determined he has forms of Neuro Sarcoidosis and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis that are very rare.  The Mayo Clinic doctors have told Steve that he has a form of Neuro Sarcoidosis and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis that they have never seen before, and the treatment, testing, and road to remission may be long.    Therefore, it has been difficult to find the proper treatment for Steve.  They are still not 100% sure that the diagnoses are correct, but they feel they are on the correct path of treatment at this time.  In addition to Neuro Sarcoidosis and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis, he was also found to have a paralyzed vocal cord, which impairs breathing, swallowing, and speaking.  The Mayo Clinic found a mass in his neck on the vocal cord which was surgically removed.  He has endured several surgeries on the paralyzed vocal cord and will be discussing with doctors the possibility of yet another surgery during his upcoming trip to the Mayo Clinic.  They continue to watch the spots in his lower body, on his neck on the other vocal cord side, and in his chest including an abscess near his spine that has also been addressed surgically.  These problems only speak of the main issues he has had to deal with over the past several years.  He has come a long way, but he is told he still has to fight and still has to continue treatment to reach remission. 

 Steve’s family is very private but have had to learn to reach out and accept help thru prayers, financial assistance and lots of support to help him make these Mayo Clinic trips to seek medical care, tests, treatments, etc.    He and his wife could not have made these trips without the help of family, friends, and strangers.   Steve and Gayle want to thank each and every one of you who have supported them thru this forum. 

The Burroughs are getting ready to leave for their next Mayo Clinic trip.  They are preparing for more trips to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester for quite a few doctors’ appointments and tests.  Please keep Coach Steve Burrough and his family in your prayers – for healing, for improved quality of life, that the doctors will continue to seek and find answers, that the treatments will help his illness go into remission, that vocal cord surgery will successfully improve breathing, swallowing and speaking – he needs his voice for teaching and coaching!  Please pray they have the right diagnoses and treatments or that they will find better answers for him.   Even though Steve has shown improvement in the last year with the greatest improvement in the last 6 months, he is not at the end of his fight.  He will be incurring many more medical and traveling expenses in the coming months.  Please consider making a financial contribution to support Steve and his family to help them offset the costs.  Any assistance that you can give will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you and God Bless everyone for your prayers and assistance!


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Myra Rosenfeld
Meadowbrook, AL

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