Climbing for a Cause!
Donation protected
Many years ago, I, Eric, was suddenly inspired to sit down & actually write out a Bucket List and then to keep myself accountable and share my adventures, I posted it online at https://www.EricGamble.com . Writing the list was relatively easy for me because I broke it down into 5 categories:
1) Adventure Travel
2) Adventure Activities & Experiences
3) Personal Growth
4) Things I wanted to do for Others
5) Opportunities to try to Make Amends with Certain People
Then later, on October 25, 2019 in New Orleans, Darcee and I officially scratched off Bucket List Item #2) Marry My Soul Mate! Which lead to me creating a new category:
6) Our Couple's Bucket List.
So why am I telling you all of this?
Well, for those of you who know us, you know that each year Darcee & I, actively tackle many of the nearly 300 items on this list as well as assisting others in going after their personal bucket list dreams. It's driven us to accomplish our goals and given us the opportunity to help others!
That commitment brings me to the latest items on my Bucket List:
#105) Go back to Outdoor Rock Climbing
#199) Raise a minimum $2500 for a Charity (Again)
#285) Climb Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
Now in order to tick these off the Bucket List Project, I had to do research on how to make this happen. In doing my research, I found out that one of Darcee's cousins, Chris Nolan had once climbed Devil's Tower. So, I reached out to him for advice & guidance on what it would take (you don't really want to know cause it is wild)! But Chris was gracious not only with his time and information but then something happened...a Spark! Chris offered to help me tackle these bucket list items and join me in the Climb so that we could do this....AS A FAMILY!
You Guys Want to Climb WHAT?
Located in the Black Hills, near Hulett and Sundance in Crook County, northeastern Wyoming, above the Belle Fourche River, Devil's Tower was the first national monument in the USA, established on September 24, 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt.
Standing at 867 feet (265 m) from summit to base, with a summit 5,112 feet (1,559 m) above sea level.
Most Gen X-ers are likely familiar with Devils Tower because it was featured in 1977’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, after an alien mothership descended upon the rock formation.
It is also considered a sacred site to many Northern Plains Indian Tribes where ceremonial rituals, including sun dances, sweat lodges, and prayer and artifact offerings are often celebrated.
So Why Does Anyone Want to Climb Devil's Tower?
Well, if your immediate answer to this question is because we are crazy or missing a few screws, you aren't wrong. But we both also have personal reasons based around 1 man, Sean Nolan!
Why Chris Nolan Wants to Climb Devil's Tower (AGAIN!)
1) Adventure Travel
2) Adventure Activities & Experiences
3) Personal Growth
4) Things I wanted to do for Others
5) Opportunities to try to Make Amends with Certain People
Then later, on October 25, 2019 in New Orleans, Darcee and I officially scratched off Bucket List Item #2) Marry My Soul Mate! Which lead to me creating a new category:
6) Our Couple's Bucket List.
So why am I telling you all of this?
Well, for those of you who know us, you know that each year Darcee & I, actively tackle many of the nearly 300 items on this list as well as assisting others in going after their personal bucket list dreams. It's driven us to accomplish our goals and given us the opportunity to help others!
That commitment brings me to the latest items on my Bucket List:
#105) Go back to Outdoor Rock Climbing
#199) Raise a minimum $2500 for a Charity (Again)
#285) Climb Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
Now in order to tick these off the Bucket List Project, I had to do research on how to make this happen. In doing my research, I found out that one of Darcee's cousins, Chris Nolan had once climbed Devil's Tower. So, I reached out to him for advice & guidance on what it would take (you don't really want to know cause it is wild)! But Chris was gracious not only with his time and information but then something happened...a Spark! Chris offered to help me tackle these bucket list items and join me in the Climb so that we could do this....AS A FAMILY!
You Guys Want to Climb WHAT?
Located in the Black Hills, near Hulett and Sundance in Crook County, northeastern Wyoming, above the Belle Fourche River, Devil's Tower was the first national monument in the USA, established on September 24, 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt.
Standing at 867 feet (265 m) from summit to base, with a summit 5,112 feet (1,559 m) above sea level.
Most Gen X-ers are likely familiar with Devils Tower because it was featured in 1977’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, after an alien mothership descended upon the rock formation.
It is also considered a sacred site to many Northern Plains Indian Tribes where ceremonial rituals, including sun dances, sweat lodges, and prayer and artifact offerings are often celebrated.
So Why Does Anyone Want to Climb Devil's Tower?

Well, if your immediate answer to this question is because we are crazy or missing a few screws, you aren't wrong. But we both also have personal reasons based around 1 man, Sean Nolan!
Why Chris Nolan Wants to Climb Devil's Tower (AGAIN!)

I’ve given some decent thought to this…I thought, why WOULD I want to climb Devils Tower?
For me, it’s a fairly multifaceted answer…And honestly a good part of my why is that I don’t want to live with regrets, as I have enough of them already… I can envision me looking back on my life and saying I wish I would have done that… And I would rather not face that later in my life when I’m in capable of doing anything about it. Also a big part of me is an achiever… I love to accomplish things, I love to do things that not everybody in the world has done and stand out a little… I love making a difference… And this will make a difference in somebody’s life by bringing attention to a disease that we frankly, need to spend more time, Money and effort on curing… And while I refuse to accept the fact that it might be too late for my own brother… it is a possibility. But my feelings are that if we can keep even one person from being imprisoned in their own body by a disease that renders them immobile, nonverbal and eventually lifeless… Then I can’t express to you how much of a win that would be for me…
Why Eric Gamble Wants to Climb Devil's Tower

Back in 2018, I, Eric was invited to a massive family reunion at Mallo Camp & Hotel in the beautiful Wyoming Black Hills. It was here at the infamous Thompson Family Reunion where I met not only my future family but I met a very unique individual, Sean Nolan. Now to Darcee & her amazing family, Sean is their goofy cousin with a great sense of humor. To his friends, he is an adventurous family man who served in the Army during the Persian Gulf War with honor.
But to me at first, to my own fault, I saw a man with ALS.
Now, being from New Orleans, I had heard of ALS due to the efforts of the former Saints player, Steve Gleason who has ALS. I had also seen the famous movie, "The Pride of the Yankees" which details the life and career of famed baseball player Lou Gehrig who also had ALS or what has been coined as Lou Gehrig's Disease! But to be honest, I had never met ANYONE in person who was dealing with it.
But something weird happened. Despite his physical appearance to me, Sean never gave the impression he was struggling. He emanated strength, joy, and a bit of mischief! It was inspirational!
A few years later, Sean would inspire us again by showing his support for both Darcee & I at our wedding! He danced with Darcee, shared with me the success to a Happy Marriage, and even caused a bit of mischief. To both Darcee & I, having him there was such a wonderful gift.
Therefore, this is how we want to say "Thank You" to Sean for his inspiration, his strength, his joy, and for his love!
So What is the Point of This GoFundMe?

To raise money of course!
But seriously, in talking together, Chris, Darcee, & I (Eric) wanted to do something impactful & give back. Now, Sean doesn't need any money! Luckily, despite all of his challenges, he has a great support team. But for those who know Sean, you know he is an ALS Research Ambassador. He advocates often to educate others with ALS, the public about the importance of clinical trials and research and has lobbied in Washington DC for support of Veteran's with ALS. Plus as you can see in the photo above, his is not afraid to Challenge Me (or all of us) to Fight for a Cure!
Therefore, we are asking for your help to get his message out there. We have chosen to support 2 organizations that help people living with ALS and countless others through advocacy, support and ultimately bringing an end to the disease. In our goal we hope to split your donation 48/48/4. (Uh what kind of wonky math is that?)
So of course, your donations raised on this GOFUND ME PAGE will go directly to 2 charities. But GoFundMe does charge an admin fee of 2.9% + 0.30¢ per donation. Therefore the breakdown will go like this:
1) For Chris: 48% of your donation will go towards an ALS foundation based out of Tennessee: The Tennessee Chapter of the ALS Association
2) For Eric: 48% of your donation will go towards an ALS foundation based out of New Orleans: The Steve Gleason Foundation
3) For GoFundMe: 2.9% + 0.30¢ per donation of your funds will be taken for an admin fee from GoFundMe. You can see their official admin Fee Structure here: https://www.gofundme.com/pricing . We are allocating 4% just to be safe. But anything GoFundMe doesn't take from our fund will be split evenly between the two charities.
Remember via this GoFundMe Page, you're not paying for Chris & Eric to Climb, Travel, or any other costs: 96% of the funds raised here go to the 2 charities & the other 4% to GoFundMe Admin Fees.
Also, when Chris & Eric deliver the funds to each ALS Foundation, a check will be written & donated in Sean Nolan's Name! We, both of course love your support, cheers, prayers, and of course DONATIONS. But neither of us want recognition for your donation in Sean's Name.
So Let's break down the Math....cause Math is Hard!
If you help us raise the minimum goal we made up all willy nilly of $2500.00:
Because of the Admin fees, we will roughly have to pay GoFundME $100.00 (4% of 2500=100)
Chris will be able to give a check in Sean's Name to The Tennessee Chapter of the ALS Association for $1,200.00 ($48% of 2500=1200) & Eric will be able to give a check in Sean's Name to The Steve Gleason Foundation for $1,200.00 ($48% of 2500=1200).
THE WRAP UP (finally! geez, Eric is long winded!)
So on July 17,2021, Eric & Chris will be partnering with Devils Tower Country Tourism & Devils Tower Climbing for a full day of Climbing for a Cause! Along with our special Guide, aka: Lifesaver, Therapist, & Drill Sergeant, we will tackle all 867 feet of Devil's Tower & hopefully, together with your help, make a big difference to those living with ALS!
So, what can you do?
1) Donate! Every cent counts in helping these great charities.
2) Spread the word. Friends, family, social media, colleagues, the more the merrier.
3) Follow the Bucket List Project on Facebook
(Darcee will be posting up pics of our progress, success, & even our training if you really want to see Chris & Eric CRY!)
Still have a question?
If you have any questions or concerns (apart from for our safety, Eric's mental sanity, or how Chris feels about the how the Pentagon is now Confirming Leaked Photos, Video Of UFOs) feel free to get in touch with us!
You can reach Eric through any of The Bucket List Project's social media channels found on their website: https://www.EricGamble.com
You can reach Chris through his Exit Real Estate Professionals Knoxville Office contact channels found on his website: For Chris Nolan Homes CLICK HERE
For me, it’s a fairly multifaceted answer…And honestly a good part of my why is that I don’t want to live with regrets, as I have enough of them already… I can envision me looking back on my life and saying I wish I would have done that… And I would rather not face that later in my life when I’m in capable of doing anything about it. Also a big part of me is an achiever… I love to accomplish things, I love to do things that not everybody in the world has done and stand out a little… I love making a difference… And this will make a difference in somebody’s life by bringing attention to a disease that we frankly, need to spend more time, Money and effort on curing… And while I refuse to accept the fact that it might be too late for my own brother… it is a possibility. But my feelings are that if we can keep even one person from being imprisoned in their own body by a disease that renders them immobile, nonverbal and eventually lifeless… Then I can’t express to you how much of a win that would be for me…
Why Eric Gamble Wants to Climb Devil's Tower

Back in 2018, I, Eric was invited to a massive family reunion at Mallo Camp & Hotel in the beautiful Wyoming Black Hills. It was here at the infamous Thompson Family Reunion where I met not only my future family but I met a very unique individual, Sean Nolan. Now to Darcee & her amazing family, Sean is their goofy cousin with a great sense of humor. To his friends, he is an adventurous family man who served in the Army during the Persian Gulf War with honor.
But to me at first, to my own fault, I saw a man with ALS.
Now, being from New Orleans, I had heard of ALS due to the efforts of the former Saints player, Steve Gleason who has ALS. I had also seen the famous movie, "The Pride of the Yankees" which details the life and career of famed baseball player Lou Gehrig who also had ALS or what has been coined as Lou Gehrig's Disease! But to be honest, I had never met ANYONE in person who was dealing with it.
But something weird happened. Despite his physical appearance to me, Sean never gave the impression he was struggling. He emanated strength, joy, and a bit of mischief! It was inspirational!
A few years later, Sean would inspire us again by showing his support for both Darcee & I at our wedding! He danced with Darcee, shared with me the success to a Happy Marriage, and even caused a bit of mischief. To both Darcee & I, having him there was such a wonderful gift.
Therefore, this is how we want to say "Thank You" to Sean for his inspiration, his strength, his joy, and for his love!
So What is the Point of This GoFundMe?

To raise money of course!
But seriously, in talking together, Chris, Darcee, & I (Eric) wanted to do something impactful & give back. Now, Sean doesn't need any money! Luckily, despite all of his challenges, he has a great support team. But for those who know Sean, you know he is an ALS Research Ambassador. He advocates often to educate others with ALS, the public about the importance of clinical trials and research and has lobbied in Washington DC for support of Veteran's with ALS. Plus as you can see in the photo above, his is not afraid to Challenge Me (or all of us) to Fight for a Cure!
Therefore, we are asking for your help to get his message out there. We have chosen to support 2 organizations that help people living with ALS and countless others through advocacy, support and ultimately bringing an end to the disease. In our goal we hope to split your donation 48/48/4. (Uh what kind of wonky math is that?)
So of course, your donations raised on this GOFUND ME PAGE will go directly to 2 charities. But GoFundMe does charge an admin fee of 2.9% + 0.30¢ per donation. Therefore the breakdown will go like this:
1) For Chris: 48% of your donation will go towards an ALS foundation based out of Tennessee: The Tennessee Chapter of the ALS Association
2) For Eric: 48% of your donation will go towards an ALS foundation based out of New Orleans: The Steve Gleason Foundation
3) For GoFundMe: 2.9% + 0.30¢ per donation of your funds will be taken for an admin fee from GoFundMe. You can see their official admin Fee Structure here: https://www.gofundme.com/pricing . We are allocating 4% just to be safe. But anything GoFundMe doesn't take from our fund will be split evenly between the two charities.
Remember via this GoFundMe Page, you're not paying for Chris & Eric to Climb, Travel, or any other costs: 96% of the funds raised here go to the 2 charities & the other 4% to GoFundMe Admin Fees.
Also, when Chris & Eric deliver the funds to each ALS Foundation, a check will be written & donated in Sean Nolan's Name! We, both of course love your support, cheers, prayers, and of course DONATIONS. But neither of us want recognition for your donation in Sean's Name.
So Let's break down the Math....cause Math is Hard!
If you help us raise the minimum goal we made up all willy nilly of $2500.00:
Because of the Admin fees, we will roughly have to pay GoFundME $100.00 (4% of 2500=100)
Chris will be able to give a check in Sean's Name to The Tennessee Chapter of the ALS Association for $1,200.00 ($48% of 2500=1200) & Eric will be able to give a check in Sean's Name to The Steve Gleason Foundation for $1,200.00 ($48% of 2500=1200).
THE WRAP UP (finally! geez, Eric is long winded!)
So on July 17,2021, Eric & Chris will be partnering with Devils Tower Country Tourism & Devils Tower Climbing for a full day of Climbing for a Cause! Along with our special Guide, aka: Lifesaver, Therapist, & Drill Sergeant, we will tackle all 867 feet of Devil's Tower & hopefully, together with your help, make a big difference to those living with ALS!
So, what can you do?
1) Donate! Every cent counts in helping these great charities.
2) Spread the word. Friends, family, social media, colleagues, the more the merrier.
3) Follow the Bucket List Project on Facebook
(Darcee will be posting up pics of our progress, success, & even our training if you really want to see Chris & Eric CRY!)
Still have a question?
If you have any questions or concerns (apart from for our safety, Eric's mental sanity, or how Chris feels about the how the Pentagon is now Confirming Leaked Photos, Video Of UFOs) feel free to get in touch with us!
You can reach Eric through any of The Bucket List Project's social media channels found on their website: https://www.EricGamble.com
You can reach Chris through his Exit Real Estate Professionals Knoxville Office contact channels found on his website: For Chris Nolan Homes CLICK HERE
Eric Gamble
New Orleans, LA