Chris Chavez
Donation protected
On June 6, 2022 Christopher and I drove to Tijuana Mexico for ear infection medication. As soon as we drove into the Mexican border, the Mexican military police signaled us to pull over into a search lane, due to us having tinted windows. They then informed us that the vehicle was going to be searched. When searching the vehicle they found Christophers registered firearm. Because of Mexico’s very strict gun laws we were taken into custody
Each day Christophers ear infection got worse, with a sore throat and a fever to follow. We continuously asked for medical attention. They denied us each time. Christophers throat started swelling up and could no longer talk. The correction officers did not care. The living conditions in jail there are horrible sleeping on dirty concrete and cockroach’s constantly crawling on you when your sleep.
On June 10, 2022
Chris and I
went before a judge and that is where Christopher pled guilty and I was released because the firearm was not mine.
Christopher is looking at a 3 year sentence
We never would’ve imagined this happening and if we knew that guns were illegal in Mexico we would’ve left it at home.
If our Go fund Me goal is met.
We would use the money to get Christopher a good lawyer and pay, back due rent and other expenses that he is not able to take care of since he is being detained in Mexico.
Christopher served five years in the US Air Force. Right now he is in the reserves and currently is in rolled in college for fall semester to pursue his career as a school teacher.
Christopher is one of the most sincere and kind human beings I have ever met. He is always ready to help anyone in need. I know that if he knew that someone in need, he would do anything to help. Chris deserves a chance at being free sooner and continue to pursue his career. Educating our future Please help bring a US veteran back.
Anything counts please don’t be discouraged donating a dollar will get us closer to meet our goal.
God bless
Christian Cardozo
San Diego, CA