Chelsea's Memorial Fund
My loveing wife Chelsea passed away Tuesday January 10th. She was hit by a truck with a plow.
My wife loved books and stories, she was always buying books and reading them. It would be rare for her to not have one in her bag. It was the love of books that brought us togehter. She had such a joy about her and cared so much for everyone around her. She would always make me smile when i was sad. She would get so excited by the smallest things and would dance around. Her light and her life was so special. Everyone who knew her loved her and even strangers who crossed her path left with a smile.
The loss of her is a loss to the world, no one will ever read the book she was writing or hear her thoughts on the world. Whenever told her "I love you" she would always reply "I love you more". She was too young and too special, her life ended way before it's time.
We are all hurting and we know in time we will need to lay her to rest. Funerals are not cheap, and we cannot afford it on our own. Above all else pray for us and the familys affected by this loss.
Give what ever you can, we are greatful for every cent and every good word and prayer.