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Certificate of Citizenship for the twins

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I have held off on doing a go fund me for this because of pride but with everything going on with immigration laws, I know this needs to get done now.  Because of the way we went about adopting the twins through a disruption, their original adoptive family was advised not to file the paperwork for the twins' certificate of citizenship.  They are legally citizens but the government requires them to have this VERY EXPENSIVE piece of paper to prove it.  Each certificate costs $1,170.  For a piece of paper.  We keep thinking we will find the money, but with all of my medical issues, that just has not happened.  They will need this document to get their driver's license and it sometimes takes 18 months to process.  

There have been horror stories of adult adoptees getting deported back to their birth countries because their parents did not get this piece of paper for them.  We need to get this taken care of so I am swallowing my pride and asking for help.  If you feel led to assist in any way we would truly appreciate it.  We know we have so many people out there who love and support us. Thank you.


  • Liz Brainard
    • $20
    • 5 yrs


Sarah Morgan Bratt
Fredericksburg, VA

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