In celebration of A'Lena Kaye Johnson's life this is an account created by friends and family to raise funds to support existing and ongoing expenses to properly honor little A'Lena Kaye's passing Nov 2, 2020 . She was going to join us in January but due to an unforeseen tragedy A'Lena Kaye and her mother Hollie Faye Henderson are now in heaven. It is a nightmare that Akkean Johnson, the widower, is facing that none of us could ever begin to imagine. Hollie Faye and A'Lena Kaye meant the world to Akkean. A'Lena Kaye was 7 mos in the womb. We just want to support him as much as we can. Given the circumstances, donations will go towards Kansas Suicide Prevention Resource Center, American Cancer Society, therapy, funeral, moving out of existing home, and any other related expenses. We want A'Lena Kaye and Hollie Faye to be honored in the best possible way and are grateful for all contributions.