Kitten and Cat Sanctuary Fundraiser
My family and I started rescuing kittens from our backyard in 2019. In July 2019, we rescued Josie a little, black kitten who was born in the bushes in our backyard. Since then, we continuously kept rescuing the kittens that were born in our yard and around the area that we knew about. We always need funds for their food, litter, and vet bills. Your donations would also help support the other cats and kittens we currently have. In total, we currently take care of 17 indoor cats, and 6 outdoor feral cats.
In March 2020, we rescued two more kittens. They were born on our roof, and we rescued them at 3 weeks old. The poor babies were covered in ringworm. They also had respiratory infections. In about 2-3 months of medicine for ringworm and lots of care, their skin cleared up and their respiratory infection healed. I am glad we rescued them even though it was a lot of work and money to cover their medical expenses. We named them Sugar and Toby.You can also visit mycutecheapstore.com to help support the kitties. Most of the profits go to the kitties needs.
We wanted to fix the cat mom as soon as possible, but we were really struggling financially at this point because the vet costs to pay for Sugar’s and Toby’s respiratory infection and ringworm was expensive. In addition, because of COVID-19 the cat spaying clinic closed and there was a long waiting period to get the mama cat spayed before we could add her to the list.The mama cat became pregnant again and gave birth in the summer.
In July 2020, we rescued 2 more kittens from our backyard. These babies also had ringworm and terrible eye infections. They needed to be given medicine for their eyes and ringworm daily. One of the kittens had cornea damage that turned into scar tissue when it healed. This kitten would of been completely blind if he had not been rescued. He is now a very cute and chubby cat that loves to be loved and eats many times per day :)
We named the other kitten Nelly. She had less eye issues than Charlie and is now a very healthy, sweet cat. These two like to hang out with each other :)
The last kitten the feral Mama gave birth to so far is Baby. ❤️ She was born in October 2020, and she was rescued on January 2021. She had a bad respiratory infection that is now better. Unlike the other kittens, she was not born in our backyard, but the Mama brought her to our house. I first spotted the baby kitten in our garage/ backyard area. She ran away very quickly when she first saw me, but eventually she warmed up to us because we would feed her and her mom. She is now a very loving and playful kitty.
Recently, Sugar had kittens of her own. She was supposed to be spayed, but because of Covid-19, the cat spaying clinic that we would go to temporarily closed. Sugarwas unable to be fixed until many months later because the clinic had many cats on their list to fix, and they did not get back to us for many months. Because of this waiting period, she became pregnant, and she gave birth to 6 kittens in March 3rd, 2021. I posted a video on YouTube called “Sugar and Her Kittens! Watch Kittens Grow 0-9 Weeks.” This video is also linked below. We keep three of the kittens and gave three of the kittens to friends. Sugar and 3 of her kittens that we kept still need to be neutered. The funds would also pay for their daily foods and litter.
We also rescued a new black kitten on May 23rd, 2021. My uncle found him underhis car in front of my grandma’s house. The kitten’s mom was nowhere to be found. My uncle decided that it would be bestto take him to my house so we could takecare of him. We fed him, gave him water, and I combed through his hair with a flea comb. My family and I named him Jessie. I took him to the vet the next day, and we found that he had anemia because of the fleas he had. I’ve been combing and giving him baths with dawn original blue dish soap to get rid of those fleas. He also got a shot with vitamin B and other vitamins to help him. He is making a recovery, and I will keep updating the page to inform everyone about him. ❤️ He is the friendliest, little kitten I have ever met.
Our other cats are:
Coconut-He is a siamese boy (9 years old)
Coconut was born in our house. His mom was a rescue from the neighborhood. My sister and I found her wandering in the street. The mom and Coconut’s siblings were adopted, and we kept Coconut. He is super affectionate and smart. The funds would help pay for cleaning his teeth. It costs $500 at the vet to get this procedure done.
Gingi- Cute Calico girl (3 years old)
She was adopted 3 years ago. At this time we only had Coconut, and she was his buddy. She loves to eat treats and tuna. Sometimes she wrestles with Coconut.
Mimi- sassy tabby female (2 years old)
We adopted Mimi about 2 years ago when Mimi was only 7 weeks old. She is super sassy and goofy when she gets attention and love. She became Josie’s adoptive mom when she was a baby.
Josie- shy, cute, black short hair girl (almost 2 years old). Josie was also born in our backyard.
Toby- spunky calico female (1 year old)
Sugar- a gray short hair cutie(1 year old)
Sugar’s kittens: Roni, Ricky, Paquito.
Charlie-orange short hair, honey boy (10 months old)
Nelly- gray sweetheart short hair female (10 months old )
Baby- Baby: super adorable calico kitten (7 months old)
Then there's Oreo an outside male (about 9 years old). Father of the kittens born in our backyard since 2019.
Mama-Mama:) Mom of kittens born in our backyard and roof. She recently had kittens again, and we are trying to find them to rescue them when they are about 4 weeks old.
UPDATE!! 06/19/2021
The kittens were found!!
The last litter of kittens she had were Stanley and Leo during the summer of 2021. They were rescued from a hole under a shed from our neighbor's backyard. Thankfully, they were rescued in time. Both kittens had respiratory infections, and Leo had a foxtail stuck in his eye. The vet was able to take the foxtail out of Leo's eye and prescribed him eye drops and a cream that helped his eye heal properly. Both kittens got better after a few weeks and are now healthy and living their best lives.
UPDATE 3/02/2022
The mama and papa Oreo have been finally spayed and are finally no longer having more kittens.
Thank you to all of the people who cared about Oreo and donated to support all the kittens.
We recently rescued 2 new feral kittens from our backyard. We named them Henry and Rosita. They came around to our home with their mom and dad last year. Their mom abandoned them when they became older, and they have been living in our backyard in a shelter we built for them for some time until we finally trapped them and got them spayed at ASPCA, but they still need to see the vet to make sure they are okay. I will tell you guys more about these new kittens very soon.
Please share with your friends and family! :)