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Let's Help Lauren After Carjacking

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On Monday, February 12th my friend/co-worker Lauren arrived to her apartment building about 9:30pm, she had just parked her car in the lot behind her building when three men ran up behind her demanding she give them everything, at gunpoint.

They made off with her car (the only one she and her husband had between the two of them), her wallet, ID, phone... everything. Thankfully she wasn’t physically hurt but she's extremely emotionally shook up.

On Wednesday the 14th there was a report on the news that a carjacker crashed a vehicle in East St. Louis at about 1:30am. That car turned out to be Lauren’s vehicle, and has been totaled.

Here's the news video of the incident (

The three men have not been caught.

She’s been staying with family, too scared to return home, and is now looking for a new apartment. She also needs to come up with a down payment to get another car. Anything donated will go towards the down payment on a new car and any moving expenses.

Lauren is a great young, vibrant girl. At work, she’s one of our best and brightest! Being newly married, it's tragic that this has happened, when she was so excited about life and beginning her journey with her new husband Andrew.

We really appreciate any help and support you're willing to give. Thanks for your time.
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  • Lindsey Gainer
    • $25
    • 7 yrs
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Julie Watts
Lake Saint Louis, MO
Lauren Lloyd

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