miHistoria: Stage 3 Cancer Survivor
Donation protected
Storytelling is the most powerful form of Healing...
Welcome to miHistoria!
Yo soy Cancer Survivor,
Beam of Light.
This is a Make the Road By Walking campaign. I learned that from a caracol with author of Companeras: Zapatista Women`s Stories (Klein, 2015)
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Metastatic Neoplasm Malignant Testicle Cancer in January 2014. I have a Charged Resilient Spirit and a cellestial outlook on Life. Im 1 in a Billion!
I had surgery within two weeks of diagnosis to remove primary site (Left Ball). Now I'm #1forever! Cancer had spread to Right Lung, growing & pushing on nerves. As a result, I was hospitalized with shortness of breath & extreme chest pain. My first chemo cycle was expedited to minimize R Lung mass. MRI head scan confirmed no brain cancer. A miracle in miniature. I've been on surveillance treatment upon completion of 4 month chemo.
March 18, 2015. I just did blood work for my ct scan coming up! My first scan in 2014 showed an 8cm mass, and my 2015 New Year scan showed 6cm ish.
My ct scan on April 12 went very well. I got to take a long nap in the waiting room and was cheerful meet the ct scan staff! Results are on Cinco De Mayo and will determine Open Lung Surgery this year...
I had a few hospital visits in May. Primero, the ct scan image confirmed I have Dead Tumor tissue. Which means tumor is not spreading! A Blessing. I returned in a week for blood work, then returned in late May for the results of onco & thoracic surgeon meeting. They agree that surgery is not necessary and declared me...
CANCER FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!
I visualized this day from initial diagnosis. Healing starts with the spirit then the flesh...
The Human Spirit is the most Resilient Force in the Universe.
-El Chompo
May 28, 2015 is a breathe of Life.
I promoted miHistoria to Phase2 because I'm living it! miHistoria is a philanthropy startup, A Labour of Love. Storytelling is the most powerful form of Healing. I have a unique experience with a Universal outlook on Life; Unstoppable Positivity! At this moment, I am the sum of Elon Musk and Will Smith in the movie Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith (Chris Gardner) carried a Bone Density Machine, I carry my biotech business:
Empower Women to pursue Entrepreneurship, and heal my long term chemo side effects.
Everything I am and everything I will be is because of miMadrecitaQuerida...
Empower Women to pursue Entrepreneurship, and heal my long term chemo side effects.
Everything I am and everything I will be is because of miMadrecitaQuerida...
miHistoria's Mission is organize Women with a Promotora and Zapatista framework.
miHistoria's Vision is Heal the World One Story at a Time.
miHistoria's Purpose is to do greatest good, for greatest People, for the greatest time.
LAC+USC saved my life! I'm pursuing Visionary Gifts from USC ($60 million) and LA County ($40 million). Its a longlasting investment (80% philanthropy 20% travel). Women are the answer to health disparities & Beyond. I write this with urgency because the tragedy of the Latino community will not be education attainment, it will be nuestra Salud. Children that are overweight, diabetic (age-related disease) will likely have dialysis in their 20s and get buried by their parents.
In early May, USC researchers shared evidence that public health messages with a culturally relevant story serve more Latinas than non-narrative education. According to the LA County Department of Public Health, Latinas are twice as likely as white women to get Cervical Cancer. Latinas are significantly less likely to get screened, and understand the causes of the disease.
#1in3 US Women will get Cancer. To highlight Cervical Cancer (CC) and cancer prevention, miHistoria is organizing A Concert for Cancer funraiser to benefit community outreach and A Cancer Athlete. Music is a Healing Force! Conscientious community organizations will be selected to serve miBarrio. If Los Angeles was divided into two brain halves, miBarrio is the Right Brain (Creative, Artistic).
A Concert For Cancer. #healtheworld2015
Cancer Prevention. #chomponthiscancer
miHistoria is excited at the opportunity to heal miBarrio and Beyond. The World is waiting. My BeyondCancers enthusiasm motivates me to Live Limitless. Also, I'm pursuing multiple corporate sponsors:
Tesla: Use their cars to Travel, engage Barrio youth to pursue STEM careers,
SpaceX: Elon Musk is set on Mars, I'm set on Saturn.
HTC One: To complement our Heal the World One Story at a Time campaign, receive A Million HTC One M9 units to give away at community functions and Beyond.
Ford: CaliFordnia campaign, and make Spanish La Idioma Principal en California.
I'm pursuing to connect with multiple public figures:
-Carlos Santana; A Concert for Cancer #healtheworld2015
-Elon Musk; learn as much as I can from him, and discuss the potential for Silicon Barrio. There is AMAZING POTENTIAL in miBarrio.
-Obama Family; promote Sitting is the NEW CANCER campaign.
-Sonia Sotomayor; organize a group of Latina youth to Meet & Greet her at the Supreme Court.
-Interstellar cast; this movie takes me back to the beauty of the hospital. The soundtrack is mesmerizing, it allows me to connect to The Universe.
-Dark side of the Moon (Pink Floyd); This album and iv morphine #letmedowneasy when my chest pain made me short of breath and not able to eat for a bit.
I'm an Eagle Spirit. I love adventure and pursue novelty. Always on the move... Humans are explorers!! The #BeyondEarth references add wealth to my Ivory Tower of Spirituality. We are ALL Beams of Light. Your lumosity starts with a smile...
A Smile Is Forever.
My goal launching miHistoria and sharing miResilient Spirit is create something that will last forever...
Follow miHistoria at:
Fb Search: Zumba Colectivo
InstaGram: #RunningForMyLyfe
PS Triathlete is in the link because I Bike, Run, Laugh. It is the symbol of Darkside of The Moon Album. I was Stage 3 surviving and now Thriving!
Together, all things are possible.
Cesar Chavez.
A few words that speak to my core:
Positive Psychology.
In the near future, we will have RadicalLifeExpansion, not just RadicalLifeExtension...
-google quote
Pablo Lopez
El Monte, CA