Campaign Drive for LORI DYE Medical Emergency
Donation protected
I would like to tell you a special story about a dear friend who desperately needs your help! She has gotten so sick, now, she is swelling at the last choices of food that she has eaten, in the this last few months, without allergic reaction and peril. She's losing weight fast; please take a few minutes today and read a bit of her story!! When I first met Lori Dye in a middle school art class; we were like 13 years old, maybe seventh grade. She was witty, trenchant, golden blonde and dark tanned. She said "I cant draw these dumb horses! My brother can!" ; already she had severe asthma and super dry, papery skin. But she was very pretty and intelligent. In gym class I stopped running on the track to walk with her one super hot muggy day, as she was struggling to get air after running a portion of the expanse the gym teacher had instructed. Flash forward to now, my friend and I are almost sixty years old. For decades Lori Dye has been literally fighting for her life against the most severe allergies. As a young women she attended nursing school, raised a child, then when time to do her nursing class "clinicals" at hospital, she fell ill with one of her first severe allergic reactions. Her whole skull swelled. By just trial and error she discovered she had a severe latex allergy and could not resume her classes. There was no escaping the handling of latex as a nurse, back in those days. Her eyes have swelled so badly that they peel from inside, under the lid and the reactions are so severe she just tries to mediate them with over the counter allergy medication and is so weak she becomes bed ridden. She tried several years ago to resume college once more but again her allergies made her so ill she missed her last one to two weeks of classes. She had almost made it yet the school system would not delay her exams. Through many trials, allergy patch tests, and reaction after reaction, getting worse and worse in this last eight years, she found that now she has only ten to twenty foods she can eat and now those are beginning to make her sick... She is the type of person who will drive food over to a friend or to family, give a ride to the doctor, listen when someone needs an ear, and she has proven that over and over. Over the years she found out through many swollen faces, huge all over hives, then peeling, desert dry skin that she was also deathly allergic to glycerin, which is in nearly every soap and lotion on the market! Then there were years her doctors gave her steroid drugs to combat the reactions; she struggled to be able to stop taking the steroids after years of use, her body weakened without them. You may not think allergies could be all that bad or life threatening. Preview the photos below of Lori. How about if your eyes swell shut, your throat swells, your skin all over your body begins to shed and peel, you are flaming red and itch and sting like wildfire and you are even allergic to the soaps and shampoos you bathe with and nearly every food you could eat? Lori has a close family member that died of an allergic reaction to a substance used in a medical test. She has severe food allergies that have worsened with the years, finally dwindling down until finally, after many many bouts of illness and bad reactions over the years, with doctor after doctor scrambling for answers and coming up short, she began having kidney imbalance, last fall, and now when she eats anything she experiences stomach problems that also now need checked. The worst and life threatening complication to all of this is that she has less and less in her meat and vegetable food groups that she can eat without swelling. The doctors have scheduled a scope into the stomach to check for ulcers, stomach cancer, or more, soon. Doctors will also need to check for an autoimmune disease, though Lori has been checked and knows it is not HIV. She is going to need medical help and IS NEAR OR AT running out of time before she is admitted to hospital and becomes critical. She has confided to me that she has trouble even walking, at home now, much less trying to do her delivery job. Her plan is to consult her doctor and go to emergency at the hospital. Does that sound like a plan or a bright future? She is a single woman and cannot work, because of this so she has lost her means to keep paying her MEDICAL bills, food, utilities and mortgage. This drive is to provide her with enough money to pay her medical bills, mortgage, utility and food costs, so that Lori Dye has a fighting chance to GET HELP and find out what can be done to combat these now deadly allergies that are making it so she cannot even take in sustenance; LORI CANNOT EAT, NOW, WITHOUT SWELLING and MASSIVE INDIGESTION. She truly is in a bad way, no exaggeration. She has family hoping and praying that people will read this and step up to the plate and lend this lovely, caring woman a hand in her time of need!! She has been there for us and so many others! Her mother at near ninety years old once told me on the phone, "Lori has a heart of gold. She will help anyone in need." It was true, she was always running friends or family where they needed to go or giving a needed gift here or there. She told me, often, when she was feeling good, she WANTED TO PAY IT FORWARD. A measure of a man or woman is what they do to the small or weak, when no one is watching. Well, this dear lady needs our help and no one is watching. It is just you, me and someone fighting for her life. I know so many are struggling right now, but this is urgent. I am asking anyone that we know, personally, who can contact any charities that help with special medical emergencies to contact her or me, with suggestions or call said charities. Give if you can. Give what you can. A special plea: HAWKS I am talking to YOU!! PLEASE GIVE! Anything that you can spare will go directly to Lori Dye for the purposes stated above, to help her to survive, to pay for medical treatments and food. Mortgage and utilities would come second. There is not much time left to act. She would be forever grateful to each and every one of you. Pay it forward. Come on, wonderful people, lets find a cure for Lori Dye! 

Organizer and beneficiary
Pamela Ouimette
Mt. Morris, MI
Loretta Dye