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Camo's Mission To Pécs

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Helo pawb, 

Ar ôl i mi deimlo galwad Duw, dw i wedi derbyn y cynnig i fynd a helpu efo prosiect “Mission Pécs,” eglwys sy’n cael ei phlannu yn y ddinas Pécs, Hwngari. Bydda i’n cydweithio efo’r teulu Bainbridge, sy’n cael ei anfon fel cenhadon gan One Church Dover, mewn partneriaid efo’r Eglwys Apostolig yn Pécs, sy’n cael ei chefnogi gan ActionOverseas. Plîs helpwch fi i fod y myfyriwr cyntaf ar “placement” efo “Mission Pécs.” Efo’ch cyfraniad bydda i’n gallu cyfrannu at y waith bod Duw wedi paratoi yn Pécs Hwngari.

 Ers y tair blwyddyn ddiwethaf dw i wedi bod yn rhan o Eglwys newydd gael ei phlannu yn y ddinas Lerpwl. Yn yr ail flwyddyn y brifysgol, nes i ddod o draws yr Eglwys ifanc, RopeChapel, yn yr Ropewalks yn Lerpwl. Ar y pryd,  pan doeddwn i ddim wedi settlo mewn capel arall eto, roedd RopeChapel yn Eglwys lle roeddwn i’n teimlo roedd Duw isio i mi fod, oherwydd roedd y capel yn newydd ac ifanc. Roeddwn i’n teimlo roedd angen i mi fod yno i helpu denu pobol i mewn ac yn trio helpu pobl i deimlo presenoldeb Duw ynddyn nhw eu hunain. Roedd y capel newydd ‘ma yn berffaith i mi oherwydd roeddwn i’n teimlo angen cymorth ar y capel ar y pryd. Roedd 'na mond 5 neu 6 person mewn yr ystafell fyw lle roedd y capel yn cael ei phlannu, ar y pryd. Roeddwn i’n gweld roedd mor bwysig i fi rhannu fy ffydd efo pobl arall a gweld y capel tyfu. Felly neshi fynd ati i ddefnyddio‘r rhodion bod Duw wedi rhoi i mi a gobeithio oedd pobol am roi go i ffydd os oedden nhw isio. Ers hynny, dw i wedi gweld yr Eglwys yn tyfu ac yn llwyddo, a dw i wedi joio gweld hyn. 

Ers hynny i gyd, dw i wedi cael y cynnig i wasanaethu yn y ddinas Pécs am 6 mis wrth fynd ar siwrnai debyg. Mae’n “exciting!” Doeddwn i ddim yn barod i dderbyn yr alwad ‘ma ar y dechrau, ond trwy rhai profiadau eraill, mae Duw wedi dangos i mi  Ei ewyllys ar gyfer y cyfnod nesaf. 

 Mae’n amser “exciting” i fynd nôl i weinidogaeth mewn capel bach fel nes i yn fy ail flwyddyn brifysgol efo RopeChapel, a gobeithio trwy gras Duw bydd yn bosib gweld dyfiant eto yn y capel newydd fy bydd yn cael ei phlannu yn Pécs. Mae’n amser “exciting” hefyd wrth ddefnyddio y pethau nes i ddysgu y tro gyntaf ond hefyd i ddysgu pethau newydd efo’r heriau newydd mewn amgylchedd, gwlad, iaith a diwylliant newydd. Bydd hyn i gyd yn her i mi ddysgu sgiliau newydd ar un llaw, a beth dw i wedi dysgu hyd at hyn ar y llaw arall. 

Diolch am treulio’ch amser i ddarllen y neges ‘ma. Plîs cadwch fi a’r teulu Bainbridge yn eich gweddïau. Dan ni’n gobeithio gweld Duw yn symyd ac yn llenwi calonnau pobl yn ddinas Pécs, yn enw Iesu Grist. Amen!

Hello all!

In obedience to God’s calling, I have been offered and humbly accepted the opportunity to go and help with Mission Pécs, a church plant within the city of Pécs, Hungary. This journey of faith and obedience will involve working alongside the Bainbridge family, who have been appointed as missionaries by One Church Dover, working in partnership with Pécs Apostolic Church, and supported by ActionOverseas. Please, help me to become the very first student placement for Mission Pécs. With your generous financial support, I will be able to travel to Hungary and serve God in Pecs.

For the last three years, I have been a part of a Church Plant in the city of Liverpool. It was during my second year of university when I stumbled on the exciting and young Church that is RopeChapel within the Ropewalks area of Liverpool. At a time when I was not settled in any particular Church, RopeChapel was the means by which God provided what I really needed at that time:  a small community of people, where I could plug in, serve, and create significant and authentic connections. I felt the need to be in this church, in order to help people come on a journey with Christ and His people and to experience faith for themselves. Being part of this young Church plant was perfect for me at the time, as it started with only about 5 or 6 people meeting in a living room in the Pastor’s home. The emphasis on mission was clear, when the church is visibly small like that. So, I saw it as the opportunity to practice the Lord’s gifting in me, in order to share with people, who showed enough interest to "give it a go.” Since then, I can say that the church has been thriving in its growth, I have played the part that God has given me, and it has been rewarding to be a part of it.

Since that time, I have been offered the opportunity to serve in Pécs for 6 months and go on a similar faith journey by being involved in a Church plant, which is thrilling! It is an exciting time to be able to go back and be part of a small church plant and watch it grow (by Gods grace)! And what an opportunity to use the things I have learned the first time around! However, I do realise that there are different challenges when going to live in a new environment in another different country, with a very different language and culture. I am sure that the Lord will use this opportunity to challenge and grow me by both developing new skills and also using the things I have learned in past experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message! Please keep me and the Bainbridge family in your prayers. We hope to see God fill the hearts of those that He brings to us, in Jesus’ name. Amen!


  • Jan Jones
    • £100 
    • 3 yrs
  • John Robinson
    • £150 
    • 3 yrs
  • Andrew Brown
    • £649 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • £100 
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • £50 
    • 3 yrs


Cameron Jones

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