Building for the Future Saving Lives, Building Families
Tax deductible
You can make a difference by donating today to Bedford Humane Society.
The Bedford Humane Society is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 1994 and dedicated to eliminating the overpopulation of cats and dogs in Bedford County, Virginia. Our programs include low cost spay/neuter, trap/neuter/release of feral cats, humane education and companion animal adoptions through our network of loving foster homes. We are funded entirely through donations by private citizens and grants from private foundations.
Bedford Humane Society has been improving the lives of cats, dogs and people for 25 years. The nonprofit was established in 1994 with dedicated volunteers insisting on changing the lives for cats, dogs and people. Over the next 15 years BHS ran as a foster only organization with no facility. In 2004, Vernon D. Lybolt passed away, willing BHS his estate. In 2009 with the funds, BHS purchased property at 829 Ole Turnpike Drive in the Town of Bedford, with future plans to build an adoption shelter in Bedford. Over the past year, BHS has been working with Jones & Jones Architect, Coleman-Adams Construction, Hurt & Proffitt and Bedford Planning Commission to finalize the contracts and permits to break ground. With your donation the final step can take place. This facility will help the companion animals and assist the community with their animal needs. Every dollar helps. Thank you for your support.
Bedford Humane Society