Building a Future in Harmony with Nature
Tax deductible
The Natural Agriculture Development Program Zambia (NADPZ ) is seeking a grant of $18,854 to build additional classrooms and bathrooms to accommodate grade 5 and 6 students at the Mamwofa School in the Mambo Community. Students currently receive a general education and are learning natural and sustainable agriculture methods.
The Mamwofa school was originally established in August 2015 for children ages 5 to 6. The school started with 30 students and with the help of the District Education Commission in Monze, the Government was able to supply the school with a teacher. The demand has been so great that the school now has over 120 students. With your support, we can accommodate the growing number of students. Long term, we hope to provide secondary education and support students in attending university.
Alan’s message:
Hi my name is Alan Imai, and I teach natural agriculture farming methods that cultivate a deep respect for nature and educate people about foods that are good for our bodies. I first visited Zambia in 2004 and witnessed the struggle farmers had in feeding their families and how the little income they had was spent on buying fertilizers, chemicals and seeds. In 2005, Shumei international , based in Japan, partnered with the Natural Agriculture Development Program Zambia (NADPZ ) to shift this reality. Over the many years, I worked with rural farmers to teach natural agriculture and now, 17 years later, the farmers have embraced their indigenous farming methods and are successfully feeding their families and preserving the health of their lands. However, there is a clear gap in passing this knowledge on and developing the next generation of farmers. In addition, access to education in the rural area was very limited. Therefore, with the financial support of Shumei International Institute (federal tax ID #71-0918711), an official supporter of NADPZ in North America, the Mamwofa School in Mambo Community of Zambia was unveiled in August 2015. Parent volunteers have already made the bricks to construct the additional classrooms, and with your help in raising $18,854, we would be able to pay to complete the construction of the new classrooms these children need.

Program Goal:
This school is not only be a platform for education, it serves as a support system that shapes the whole community. The parents’ participation in volunteer activities such as making bricks and growing maize for the school feeding program, demonstrates community unity. This is a scalable model that can be replicated in other parts of Zambia and Africa.
As we have seen over the last 6 years, the school has positively impacted the young students as well as parents and the community. When the children are not in school, the local community members have access to a facility where they conduct several community training and learning programs.
The existence of the facility has enabled the community to be identified by government as an organized collective and this has helped with securing government support such as sanitation training from the ministry of local government and several government supported community development projects.

School Budget:

June 25th 2022,
The Zambia Project update!
We still need your help to reach our goal!
The “Zambia Project” needs you!
The Natural Agriculture Development Program Zambia (NADPZ), affectionately called the “Zambia Project”, which partnered with Shumei International in Japan, began with a deficit and a dream. Now 17 years later, this partnership continues to thrive and grow, but they need your help for the next step!
Shumei International Institute, an official supporter of NADPZ in North America, launched its first Go Fund Me campaign for Shumei International’s Zambia project. Since the partnership began in 2005, farmers now preserve their indigenous maize seeds and have become self-sufficient without spending their humble earnings on fertilizers and seeds. We now want to help build more classrooms to provide a supportive environment for children to learn natural agriculture methods and to receive a general education.
Sharing this story of global citizenship and sustainable farming with others can plant the seeds to grow this important movement of protecting the biodiversity and long-term health of the land for future generations.
Please join your fellow members in sharing this Go Fund Me campaign with your family, friends and local community on social media. If your company has a matching/grant program, this campaign is through the Shumei International Institute, which is a 501c-3 organization.
Video message from Alan Imai

Please follow Zambia Fund SII Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Thank you for considering the donation.
The Mamwofa school was originally established in August 2015 for children ages 5 to 6. The school started with 30 students and with the help of the District Education Commission in Monze, the Government was able to supply the school with a teacher. The demand has been so great that the school now has over 120 students. With your support, we can accommodate the growing number of students. Long term, we hope to provide secondary education and support students in attending university.
Alan’s message:
Hi my name is Alan Imai, and I teach natural agriculture farming methods that cultivate a deep respect for nature and educate people about foods that are good for our bodies. I first visited Zambia in 2004 and witnessed the struggle farmers had in feeding their families and how the little income they had was spent on buying fertilizers, chemicals and seeds. In 2005, Shumei international , based in Japan, partnered with the Natural Agriculture Development Program Zambia (NADPZ ) to shift this reality. Over the many years, I worked with rural farmers to teach natural agriculture and now, 17 years later, the farmers have embraced their indigenous farming methods and are successfully feeding their families and preserving the health of their lands. However, there is a clear gap in passing this knowledge on and developing the next generation of farmers. In addition, access to education in the rural area was very limited. Therefore, with the financial support of Shumei International Institute (federal tax ID #71-0918711), an official supporter of NADPZ in North America, the Mamwofa School in Mambo Community of Zambia was unveiled in August 2015. Parent volunteers have already made the bricks to construct the additional classrooms, and with your help in raising $18,854, we would be able to pay to complete the construction of the new classrooms these children need.

Program Goal:
This school is not only be a platform for education, it serves as a support system that shapes the whole community. The parents’ participation in volunteer activities such as making bricks and growing maize for the school feeding program, demonstrates community unity. This is a scalable model that can be replicated in other parts of Zambia and Africa.
As we have seen over the last 6 years, the school has positively impacted the young students as well as parents and the community. When the children are not in school, the local community members have access to a facility where they conduct several community training and learning programs.
The existence of the facility has enabled the community to be identified by government as an organized collective and this has helped with securing government support such as sanitation training from the ministry of local government and several government supported community development projects.

School Budget:

June 25th 2022,
The Zambia Project update!
We still need your help to reach our goal!
The “Zambia Project” needs you!
The Natural Agriculture Development Program Zambia (NADPZ), affectionately called the “Zambia Project”, which partnered with Shumei International in Japan, began with a deficit and a dream. Now 17 years later, this partnership continues to thrive and grow, but they need your help for the next step!
Shumei International Institute, an official supporter of NADPZ in North America, launched its first Go Fund Me campaign for Shumei International’s Zambia project. Since the partnership began in 2005, farmers now preserve their indigenous maize seeds and have become self-sufficient without spending their humble earnings on fertilizers and seeds. We now want to help build more classrooms to provide a supportive environment for children to learn natural agriculture methods and to receive a general education.
Sharing this story of global citizenship and sustainable farming with others can plant the seeds to grow this important movement of protecting the biodiversity and long-term health of the land for future generations.
Please join your fellow members in sharing this Go Fund Me campaign with your family, friends and local community on social media. If your company has a matching/grant program, this campaign is through the Shumei International Institute, which is a 501c-3 organization.
Video message from Alan Imai

Please follow Zambia Fund SII Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Thank you for considering the donation.
Shumei International Institute