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Build the non-alcoholic market in NL and beyond

Don protégé
Hello, wonderful supporters! My name is Sara, originally from Canada and currently residing in Amsterdam for the past 5 years. I'm reaching out to you today to share a transformative vision and seek your support for a project that aims to revolutionize the way we socialize and cope with mental health conditions.

Who am I?

For as long as I can remember, I've been striving to find opportunities to improve the world. On a smaller scale, I've been working with brands and improving their branding/marketing/creative potential.

In 2021 I founded Happy Tea, a non-alcoholic venture born out of personal struggles with social anxiety and the societal pressures surrounding alcohol consumption. I've experienced firsthand how alcohol can exacerbate mental health issues and relationships. And my mission to improve this keeps growing since it doesn't feel like our attitudes are changing. Alcohol is still talked about like it's nothing, however, it's become a huge global burden.

What's the problem?

The shift to individuals awakening to the toxic elements in their lives and seeking health-conscious alternatives is growing every day. Amidst this transformation, we find ourselves living in a mental health crisis, where conventional coping mechanisms, such as alcohol, only serve to deepen the trenches of depression and stress while fostering an escape from self-awareness.

Having lived in Amsterdam for the past five years, I've keenly observed the discord between societal norms and the pursuit of a healthy life. These streets, alive with activity, belie the harsh reality - in the Netherlands, over 10,000 lives are lost each year due to alcohol-related issues. This stark statistic illuminates a pervasive problem that demands urgent attention. And this is true on a global scale, for a list of global statistics see:

The response from policymakers has been inadequate. Despite the severity of the issue, alcohol policy discussions often skirt the best solutions. The 2018 National Prevention Agreement, while well-intentioned, is failing to incorporate effective strategies to combat the country's alarming alcohol burden due to taboos and the billion-dollar alcohol market.

Attempts to mitigate the problem often involve increasing alcohol prices, yet this approach offers a superficial solution. The market has seen an influx of non-alcoholic alternatives, but they lack the desired effect people seek in alcohol, making them an imperfect substitute.

The data is clear, and the time for change is now. So who wants to join the fight?

What's the solution?

This is where Happy Tea steps in, a drink uniquely positioned to serve as a genuine replacement for alcohol. However, despite our potential, we grapple with societal stigmas tied to psychedelics, impeding our ability to seamlessly integrate into the market.

The laws surrounding our product prevent us from adapting to be readily available in the same spaces where alcohol is ubiquitous, despite offering a safer and healthier option. This discrepancy highlights the need for reform and underscores the urgency of our mission.

We're introducing "Nice Tea," an innovative range of products designed to boost mood and energy. We won't be like any other non-alcoholic option, our ready-to-drink cans will be healthy, functional, very low in sugar, and they will uniquely allow the incorporation of truffles for a unique experience. Unfortunately, traditional funding is not possible for us, so we're looking to our community to help us create a prototype, a crucial step towards making Nice Tea a reality.

Your generous contributions will directly contribute to building our prototype. The funds will be allocated to the development and lab testing, ensuring that Nice Tea becomes a viable and accessible alternative to alcohol. We've already tested our recipe to a select group, with incredible feedback! We're ready to make this a reality, will you join us?

Why is this project a game-changer for the world?

We are at the forefront of a paradigm shift in societal attitudes towards mental health and well-being. The current mental health crisis demands innovative solutions, and Nice Tea aims to be a beacon of change.

Our prototype will help pave the way for Nice Tea to be embraced by bars, restaurants, and grocery stores as a genuine alternative to alcohol.

Your support matters, and with Nice Tea, we have the potential to make a lasting impact on mental health and well-being. Join us in breaking down barriers and creating a future where individuals can make healthier choices, fostering positive social environments, and reshaping the narrative on mental health.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey! Your support means the world to me.

If you have any additional ways to get involved, please reach out.

Sara Budhwani
Founder, Happy Tea
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  • Pieter Entius
    • 100 € 
    • 5 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 10 € 
    • 5 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 25 € 
    • 5 mois
  • Julia Gomes
    • 7 € 
    • 5 mois
  • Wisse Jaarsma
    • 10 € 
    • 5 mois
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Sara Budhwani

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