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Bring Jaime's mom to his graduation

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I am about to graduate from my BA Marine and Natural History Degree at Falmouth University. Something I always longed to study and so this is a dream come true. Throughout my degree, I have experienced ups and downs, made many friends and have had some absolutely amazing moments. The one person I would like to share this final moment of my university experience with, is my mother...My mother still lives in my homeland of Colombia. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago in Colombia she was the victim of robbery... and has lost the money she had saved to cover her flight and accommodation whilst in the UK to attend my graduation ceremony.

I want to raise money for my mother to still attend my graduation. Any money raised will go towards covering her flights and hopefully allow her to stay for a couple of weeks. In return you will receive a random limited edition photo print from up and coming photographers at Falmouth University.  Alice Tegg, Amara Eno, Daphne Wong, Jazz Cherrington, Ed Car, Jaime Molina, Max Searl, Maisie Marshall, Jack Mifflin.

These prints have kindly been donated to support this cause, so that my mother can share this last moment of my university experience with me. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart!


Jaime Molina

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