Bringing Kyanna Home
Donation protected
En la noche de ayer 26 de agosto, el alma de kyanna abandonó este mundo, pero siempre estará presente en nuestros corazones. Siempre la recordaremos como una guerrera, fuerte,valiente, el alma de la fiesta dejando su huella donde quiera que pisaba. Entregó su vida al señor y Luego de batallar con Cáncer, se fue en paz. Siguiendo sus últimos deseos, estamos haciendo los preparativos pertinentes para transportarla a Puerto Rico donde estará junto a su padre en paz descanse. Humildemente solicitamos la ayuda de nuestra familia y amigos para que esto así sea posible, cualquier donativo será una bendición.
Last night on August 26, Kyanna's soul left this world. She will always be present in our hearts. We will always remember her as a loving, caring, Strong, Brave. Always the life of the party, leaving her mark wherever she stepped. While battling with Cancer she gave her life to the Lord and left in peace. Following her last wishes, we are making the necessary arrangements to transport her to Puerto Rico where she will be with her father in peace. We humbly request the help of our family and friends to make this possible, any donation will be a blessing.
Last night on August 26, Kyanna's soul left this world. She will always be present in our hearts. We will always remember her as a loving, caring, Strong, Brave. Always the life of the party, leaving her mark wherever she stepped. While battling with Cancer she gave her life to the Lord and left in peace. Following her last wishes, we are making the necessary arrangements to transport her to Puerto Rico where she will be with her father in peace. We humbly request the help of our family and friends to make this possible, any donation will be a blessing.
Edwin E Lopez
St. Petersburg, FL