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Bring the baby home

Donazione protetta
I have not used the name of the baby or of the family for whom I have set up this page for fear of worsening the situation which is dire.

Three years ago, Noel and Rich had their dream come true when a newborn baby was placed in their home as a “foster to adopt” the day after they completed their foster parent training!  They are the only parents this boy knows.  A year after that, Rich and Noel were asked to by the foster care agency to take in the baby’s two older brothers, 12 and 9.  They agreed, believing that the boys should grow up as a sibling group.  After a challenging two years during which the older boys attended private school on partial scholarship, participated in sports, traveled with their classes to ski trips, camp, and other trips, the oldest boy lashed out on Monday August 21, 2017, causing the two older boys to leave their home.  A few hours later the baby was ripped away from the only parents he has ever known.  The fight is on to have this baby returned to his parents.  Were it not for the issues with the two older children, the baby would have been adopted a year ago. However, because of the compassion of Rich and Noel, they did not want to give up on the older boys and now this is the situation.

Rich and Noel need your help.  The best lawyer available has a 98% success rate in fighting the system in Illinois.  The cost for that lawyer is well out of their range.  $500 to walk in the door and up to $10,000 for a full case.  Rich and Noel thought that if they do not need the money for the lawyer they would return it to everyone.  I convinced them that if they do not need a lawyer (hopefully) the money should be used for private therapy for the baby.

Why did I do this now you ask?  Because time is not on our side.  Illinois believes that after 30 days a parent/child bond is broken, (Leanne’s opinion, totally not true!) if we do not get this child back with his parents the chances of that happening decrease every passing day.
Illustrazione di mani che aiutano

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  • Nancy Musser
    • $10
    • 7 yrs
  • MAA G
    • $300 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • D&M A
    • $100 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • N S
    • $60 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs
  • M M
    • $20 (Donazione offline)
    • 7 yrs
Illustrazione di mani che aiutano

Dona $30 per aiutare questa raccolta fondi a raggiungere il suo obiettivo

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Organizzatore e beneficiario

leanne roth
Park Forest, IL
NoelAnn King

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