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Bring Peace to Lý Trí Dũng

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Hello everyone. My name is Lyllian Le, and recently my baby cousin (Lý Trí Dũng) was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland. When he went to the dentist there were some complications and after two doses of anesthesia, he didn’t wake up. He had stopped breathing at the dentist’s and was sent to the emergency room on Wednesday afternoon, April 24th. Oxygen couldn’t get to the rest of his body, resulting in liver malfunction. Blood came out of his mouth and nose — a sight that deeply scared our whole family. Not enough oxygen was reaching his brain, and by 10:52 PM Thursday night, April 25th,  my baby cousin was pronounced dead. He didn’t make it.

Their whole family, his parents and older brother, recently immigrated to the United States on March of 2017. They all stayed with my family for over a year and he became  the little baby brother I never had. He was a happy baby, always running around laughing and playing with other relatives. Dũng and I would walk with each other hand in hand, we’d play different games together, we’d practice identifying different colors and watch cars pass by us. He loved Lightning McQueen, and we even surprised him with a Lightning McQueen suitcase that he was supposed to take with him on his trip back to Vietnam in June. Unfortunately, it will be a gift he never got to use.

Earlier in March our grandpa had passed away too, which put our whole family into a difficult position. My mom and her siblings all flew back to Vietnam for the funeral and prayers. With another loss in our family this month, we are all devastated. Dũng was only 4 years old; he wouldn’t have turned 5 until November. He was too young and didn’t deserve to leave this world so early. Dũng had a bright future ahead of him. He was already starting to learn many different languages and loved going to school.

The reason why I made this gofundme page is to ask for help from you all. His parents are not well-off, and had trouble starting anew when they made the decision to come over to America. We want to give him a proper funeral and cremate him. But we can’t do this without your help and support. My entire family appreciates any and all help given to us. And I personally thank you for any love you choose to give in our time of grief and need.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Facebook or email me.

Update: I miswrote a statement on the story. The doctors were the ones who had asked if he had any medical history of breathing problems. We don’t know of any. In the end, the doctors told us that not enough oxygen was reaching his body, which resulted in liver malfunction.


  • Anonima
    • 100 $ 
    • 5 anni

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Lyllian Le
Oakland, CA
Henry Le

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