Bring a Dog Park to Struthers!
Tax deductible
Struthers Unleashed is a 501(c)3 that is all about loving our pets as much as our community. Our mission is to enhance Struthers with a free-for-all dog park where pets and owners can enjoy the freedom to play and exercise in a safe and secure environment. Help us reach our goal!
Fencing is the largest expense associated with creating a dog park and estimates for a 144'x50' imprint with dual-gate entry area and separated areas for large and small dogs is $35,000. The majority of donations over $100 with go to securing fencing and personal donations over $500 will receive on-site recognition. Additional levels of giving include:

- $30 - Business or family name on faux brick banner at the dog park
- $100 - Recognition at events, faux brick on banner
- $300 - Bench sponsorship (Only 2 Left!)
- $500, $1000 and $5000 corporate levels are detailed at www.struthersunleashed.org
The timeline includes fundraising through the winter of 2024 with a groundbreaking in early spring and a Grand Opening in May of 2024. The current proposed location is at Grimm-Nebo Field in Struthers.
Please help! We are 100% community and four-legged friend funded!
Josh Miely
Struthers, OH
Struthers Unleashed