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LIVERing The Dream - Fundraiser For Brian Darfus


As many of you know, Brian Darfus's world changed dramatically 3 1/2 years ago during a routine colonoscopy where it was discovered that he had Stage IV colon cancer. With further tests, it was found that the colon cancer had metastasized to his liver. His colon tumor was resected immediately and we are blessed that he never had a reoccurrence in that site. The rest of the colon cancer resides in his liver and that is why he has had multiple rounds of chemotherapy, different treatments of radiation and multiple surgeries to minimize and shrink the amount of tumors in his liver.

A year ago, we discovered that Cleveland Clinic has started a new program specific to colon cancer patients where the disease has metastasized to the liver. This program allows patients who fit all the criteria to be able to get a liver transplant as a treatment option. We are blessed beyond belief that Brian fits in all those boxes to fit the strict protocol to be able to be eligible for this program! We are to the point now where all traditional efforts have been exhausted and his body is no longer able to get any more traditional treatments such as chemo and radiation and through all the hurdles and tests, Brian has officially been put on the transplant list!! This truly is a miracle and a second chance at life for Brian to be cancer free and give him so much more time that would never be possible if this program was not available.

Cleveland clinic does this program with living donors. A donor is able to donate up to half of their liver and their liver regenerates and grows back fully within a month! Pretty amazing what the body can do and what our medical world makes possible! We are so blessed to have a donor in the process of evaluation currently and hopefully we can anticipate the liver transplant to occur this July!! With all that being said, this is a major process and surgery for both Brian and the donor. Part of the requirements of this program is to be within 1 hour of Cleveland Clinic for 6 weeks after the transplant so we will be relocating and needing temporary housing during this time.

There will be financial, time, emotional stresses and more on both Brian's family and the donor's family and we are trying to accommodate them as much as possible. This is why we are asking for help with any fundraising efforts. All donations will be going to medical expenses, time off work, housing, support for Brian, donor and the caretakers families during this process. We have been beyond grateful for the constant support of friends and family that have been helping with all the appointments, daily tasks of living and more...we absolutely could not do this without all of you.

Many of you have asked how you can help and we have made a list below. Just know that we are forever grateful for the constant love, prayers and support!!!

How You Can Help!

  • Schedule A Colonoscopy To Check For Colon Cancer
  • Donate To Brian Directly Using This GoFundMe Page
  • Attend Our Fundraising Events

Speaking of attending fundraising events...

Join us on July 15th, 6PM at Bootleggers in Lancaster for a fun and memorable night to help raise money for Brian Darfus's medical expenses!


We thank you from the bottom of our hearts if you are able to donate or attend any fundraising events! Thank you!


Bethany Alexander
Lancaster, OH
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