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Brady Dodson Funeral Expenses

Donativo protegido
Hey everyone, I'm Angela, a friend to this beautiful young man. As most of you know we lost Brady on Dec. 28, 2023. It was a loss completely unexpected, and one no one was prepared for. His sweet family is struggling right now and they need our help. Brady was a friend to everyone, and all of us could say easy to love. We want to help ease his family's struggles at this time and help them at least remove the financial burden of laying him to rest. It would be appreciated if you could find it in your heart to donate any amount and beyond that prayers for this family for the coming days and years to come. Anything raised above what's needed for his burial and memorial will be donated to the Jason Foundation in Brady's name.

Celebration of Life Friday, January 5, 2024
Goodpasture Christian School
W. F. Ruhl Fine Arts Center
5:00-6:30 pm Visitation
6:30 Celebration


  • Jackson Potter
    • 100 $ 
    • 7 meses
  • Ruth Carse
    • 50 $ 
    • 7 meses
  • Jenny Bucklin
    • 200 $ 
    • 7 meses
  • Anónimo
    • 10 $ 
    • 7 meses
  • Kristi Gaines
    • 100 $ 
    • 7 meses


Angela Jones
Nashville-Davidson, TN

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