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Border Collies are Cool. ❤️

Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies.

10th August 2018

Charity abseil.

My name is Timothy Conehead the Invincible and I'm a border collie and I'm abseiling off the top of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on a rope for charity!

When I say I'm abseiling off the Anglican Cathedral what I really mean is I was going to only the organiser took one look at me and he went like this he went “Timothy me owl mate you're just far too handsome to be dangling from a rope mate, you'd hold the others up because everyone would be so desperate to be taking photo's of you. Haven't you got anyone else you could send in your place?' So I went like this I went “Well I suppose I could change mummy's diary and send her up with some of her strange friends but I'm not sure if they would raise as much money as me you see.” So he went like this he went “Put your picture up on the fundraising page Timothy, you and your harem no one will notice and that will help them to raise even more money still.” So I have you see and everyone will be mesmerized by my beauty and stuff and hopefully give loads of money for rescuing even more border collies.

Have you all been paying attention and do you all remember that all the border collies that have lived here in Love House have all been rescued and that's sixteen up to now and I've heard a very malicious rumour about another one who may be wanting to infiltrate the pack but don't quote me will you because I'm not supposed to know. Does anyone know who Jonathan is please or is he still a twinkle? I need to know these things I can't have just anyone infiltrating my pack you know and I'd much rather have a Jemima than a Jonathan you know.

Anyway so anyway so where was I then who digressed me? Oh yes I know, there is a special place called The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies you see and they rescue them all the time all over the place and they find homes for lots of them and some of them have been so badly treated that they keep them there so they can live the dream with people like Barbara who is really special and has rescued millions, well maybe not quite millions but she knows how to teach collies to trust again and important stuff like that. Barbara has written books and we have some, not novels like my books but proper training books and she does sheep shifting trials and she has been on the television you know, I would like to be on the television one day but I'm still waiting to hear back from Simon Cowell about my application to go on Britain's Got Talent with our balancing act. I wonder would Barbara like my remedy for hay fever? I might just send it to her anyway. There are lots of wonderful people who work hard to help all the collies with Barbara but I can't name all of them but we would like to thank them for all their Love and devotion and hard work too.

Anyway so anyway the thing is I've organised this abseil now and I've called the team K.P. & The Nuts and they are abseiling on 10th August and the brave ones are the Mummy who is Nuts, Kay who is a really really really really old friend of the Mummy, Jasmine who is Kay's Lovechild but she is grown up now and stuff and Jenn who is a professional sheep shifter in North Wales and I'm wondering if I could get her to take our Jennifer back with her without the Mummy noticing oh and because Joanne is a total woos but she's good at other things like drinking wine and things well I am going to put her in charge of videoing the Nuts dangling from the ropes at the Cathedral, she will be wearing a boobie hammock with matching thong, sparkly ankle-strap stilettos and not much else  if anyone would like to come and watch.

I wonder if they are using the bell ropes? Did you know that the bells at our Cathedral are the highest and the heaviest in the world? There are thirteen of them and Great George is so big he can't be swung he has to be hit with a hammer! The bell ringers are so clever that they have even managed to ring out 'Imagine' by John Lennon for our capital of culture celebrations in 2008. The also ring out 96 Times every April 15th as a sign of respect for those who lost their lives at Hillsborough in 1989. I hope they don't fall on anyone's head or anything.

Somebody keeps digressing me I hope it wasn't you? That was one of my rectal questions just in case you didn't know. So the thing is you see can you give them some money please so as they can dangle on their ropes a bit longer? All the money raised goes straight to the lovely charity to help border collies live their dream. Please be generous and I will try not to write a blog about you, unless you want me to that is.

I will update you on any updates you need updating on just as soon as I have been updated myself.

Love Timothy. xxxx


  • Kathleen Phythian
    • £21
    • 6 yrs

Fundraising team: K.P. & The Nuts. (2)

Kathleen Phythian
The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies
Jenn Jones
Team member

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