Bombay to Bentley Bike Ride
Very early on Saturday 2nd July, intrepid volunteers and their bikes will be transported to Bombay (the distillery in Laverstoke, not the former City in India) ready to make their epic 50-mile journey through the beautiful Hampshire countryside and back to school.
You can make a difference by donating today to Bentley School PTFA.
Bentley School PTFA is a registered charitable body made up of, and supported by, parents, teachers and friends of Bentley Primary School.
Bentley School PTFA exists to raise money for the benefit of all the children at the school, to complement their education and to give facilities over and above those provided by the Local Education Authority. We do this by organising fundraising events that are fun, enhance community spirit and provide social entertainment for the children and parents alike.
Bentley School PTFA