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Bob's Medical Transportation Fund

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My Dad was in a very bad car accident last week driving back to Washington from Arizona.  He rolled his truck multiple times on the freeway and is extremely lucky to be alive.  He sustained multiple injuries with the most serious ones being a broken upper arm, broken cervical vertebrae and collapsed lung.  For all of you that know my father, know that he is one hell of a character and has been through a lot in his life, this just being another chapter to his story.  When he called me to tell me this happened the first thing he said was "Chrissy, this is just another story to tell in the adventure of my life."  Granted, it didn't come out so clear (thank you pain meds) but I knew what he was saying and what he meant.  My Dad is the most giving, kind and stubborn man I know...and he is also full of pride.  I know he would roll his eyes and tell me not to ask for help but he can't do anything about it from his hospital bed right now, so here it goes.  All of my Dad's care will be covered through his insurance, except for the cost of the medical transportation from the Vegas hospital to the rehab facility in San Diego.  It was my decision to make as to where he should do his rehab and I know he loves San Diego and has many many friends there that would pay him a visit.  However, the cost of taking him to SD (he has to travel by medical transport) will be high and I am in the middle of a move from LA to Denver with my 2 small kids, husband and dogs.  I am asking for any kind of help anyone can give, whether that be a donation to his transportation cost or a promise to visit him in rehab (if you're in SD) or even just a call to let him know you are thinking of him.  My Dad is so lucky to have so many people that care for him and in his corner I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to read this.  If anyone would like to get a hold of me for any reason at all, please feel free to call my cell [teléfono redactado].  Thank you  - Much love to everyone!  Christine


  • Paul Warzinski
    • 100 $ 
    • 6 años


Christine Frazier
Denver, CO

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