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Bobby's Bucket lists found.For those friends. family members and love ones who are not aware I have recently been dignoused with stage 4 liver cancer that it has spred to my bones. it was quit the Xmas suprise after seeking medical help of over two years. After having numerous blood test and scans over this time I was told time after time Oh Bob we have found nothing remakable in your test. However this was not lining up with the way I was feeling with extreme weightloss ,fatige, pain and nausia and vomiting. But recently after viewing my condition they begain to drill scrape,probe taking numerios scans found the cancer but mush to late. As many of you know I,m a retired MFT who specilized in working serverly disturbed childrend. Now I,m on a fix income from Social Security. At this stage of my journey mobilty with managable symtomes. Howwever the time is now. I wish to spend this time with my dear lovving wife and chhildren do the enjoying as muh of life as I can with them. Also I wish to leave somting behind for you all.Iwish to remodle and put together a space where i can retreat after redation and other intrucive painfull porcedures. I wish to go on a cruz together up the west cost into Alaska to view the wonders of God and nature Inaddition seek out some places of great natural healing with poeple who are travaling this path of healing.My montary goaled is to raise about 50.000 brings these wishes to fruistion,money, prayers good healing wishes are all desired. All partispents i will at the ened of this journey I eternal ove for now and for ever. my heart of love
thanks you all Bobby.
Robert Collins
American Canyon, CA