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Kaplowitz - A documentary by Nate Crum about Bob

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Hi, I'm Nate Crum, and I'm raising money for the Bob Kaplowitz documentary I am creating.

And this isn't just a documentary for Bob's friends and family. Bob's life was an encouragement to so many people, and it can encourage you too. His hope, joy, perseverance, and trust in his Savior through the midst of great struggle and adversity is a message we all need to hear.
I've been working on this for the past two years, but there is still much left to be done. The plan is for the documentary to cover Bob's entire life through old photos and video, along with new interviews and footage of essential locations, and that is where you come in.
To make the best possible documentary, I plan on traveling to different locations that are important for telling this story. Places like New Jersey, where Bob grew up, Chicago and New York City, where Bob often went for opera, and North Dakota, where Bob graduated from high school and became a Christian. Also, I plan for stops across the country to interview some of Bob's family and friends. Then there is the editing. All of this takes time and money.
Thank you for your time, and would you please consider giving to this project?


  • Paul Weaver
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Joshua Johnson
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Thomas Crum
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Josiah Walker
    • $50 
    • 1 yr
  • Howard Harrison
    • $100 
    • 1 yr


Nathaniel Crum
Bloomington, IN

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