Board Meister: Scenario Creator
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"Meister" is a German word that means craftsman. The Board Meister - is a niche portal for board game enthusiasts, on which you can share or download mods (modifications) for the board game of your choice.

If you want to know more details about the service, check out my Developer Diary page.
The current state of service is an open beta, with one board game available: Chronicles of Drunagor Age of Darkness by Creative Games Studio. This campaign's main focus is to gather money to speed up the process of creating Scenario Builder not only for COD:AOD but for all other board games.
Scenario Builder will be a web tool allowing you to create, save, edit, and share the whole campaign for the board game (dungeon crawler). The tools will include:
- Text Intro created in Rich Editor - flavor text for the whole campaign, for each scenario, and each door in the scenario.
- Level Builder - an interactive tool allowing you to position blocks and items to build your level
- Doors - each saved level can be connected to another level with a door mechanic, allowing you to create a complex scenario
- Scenario/Campaign forum - tool for filtering and rating existing scenarios/campaigns on the service
This tool will be universal, which means I can reuse it in other board games by feeding it other graphics and design restrictions.
The other factor is simplicity, I'm trying to avoid creating a complex level builder with a lot of options but develop something that allows you to create a level in under 10 minutes and just gives you a template to fill in.
To see for yourself the quality of my work, visit https://cod.boardmeister.com/monster/create and create your monster.

Who am I?
I'm Michał Dzierzbicki and my profession is Full Stack Mid/Senior Web Developer. Full stack means that I can do all jobs required for creating a Website or Web Application - set up the server, design the layout, and develop the FE and BE of the application. My main field of experience is PHP with MySQL and JavaScript, in which I have over three years of commercial expertise. I've created websites from landing pages for small businesses to enormous information centers for massive organizations.

Michał Dzierzbicki
Bad Emstal, Hessen