Bikefast 2017 campaigning upgrade
Hi, I'm Jonathan and I'm behind Bikefast, one of the many front lines of the war on the motorist in Belfast ;)
Bikefast has been a cycling campaign on Facebook since 2013 and has recently expanded to a news site.
It's an *entirely* volunteer effort sustained by hundreds of followers, thousands of viewers and a lot of my spare time - and the odd bit of my cash too.
To put Bikefast onto a more professional footing we crowdfunded an upgrade of the website to bikefast.org in 2016. This year we'll need to renew the hosting and continue to improve upon what Bikefast can do - from campaigning for better cycling infrastructure to more investigative reporting on issues which affect the future of cycling in our city.
If you didn't read our three story report in December 2016 of the Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce's lobbying, it's worth seeing what Bikefast can achieve with better resourcing:
Pedestrianised areas “too large” for Belfast says traders’ body (bikefast.org)
I'd be grateful for any help you can offer towards these goals if you feel Bikefast is worth supporting as a long-term campaign.
Thank you.